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If your inside sales team is making a lot of calls and using Salesforce, it makes a lot of sense to integrate telephony and CRM as closely as possible. By adding voice capabilities to Salesforce, reps will reap massive productivity gains, and managers will be rewarded with greater visibility into reps’ activities and outcomes. So […]
Want to improve your inside sales team’s revenue and productivity? One of the best ways to achieve fast growth is by better qualifying your leads. When your quota-carrying account executives are spinning their wheels talking to unsuitable prospects, it’s wasting time that they could be spending closing deals and moving valuable leads through your funnel. […]
Voicemail is one of a salesperson’s most powerful yet underutilized tools. With 97% of business calls going to voicemail and only 11% being returned, it’s clear that leaving impactful, optimized messages is essential for success. The good news? Modern tools like voicemail drop software for sales teams and advanced strategies like A/B testing for sales […]
In the world of sales, call recording can be a touchy subject. Some management teams are incredibly passionate about utilizing them as they feel it gives them insight into their sales reps’ day-to-day activities. However, some management teams might worry that their sales reps will feel micromanaged if their calls are recorded. If that’s the […]
Ready to begin your journey as a Salesforce administrator? Here’s some sound advice from CASE Partners’ Salesforce Technical Lead and Salesforce MVP Maria Belli on the best places to get started. So you want to be a Salesforce Admin but don’t know where to start? Luckily for all of us, there are many, many wonderful resources available […]
There are many methods of communication in a sales rep’s toolkit. There are emails, texts, LinkedIn messages, and more, but nothing works quite like a phone call. Phone conversations the best way to engage with a prospect and elicit immediate results. Emails, texts, and so on are far too easily put-off, saved for later, ignored, […]
Are you not quite sure what a predictive dialer is? How about CTIs, IVRs, or mobile CRMs?  Or maybe you’ve heard the term, but aren’t 100% clear on the definition of inside sales. If so, you’re not alone. More and more companies are moving to an inside sales model. And as sales organizations migrate to a remote […]
There’s an ongoing debate about whether or not cold calling is dead. Regardless of what you’ve read or heard elsewhere, the truth is cold calling is alive and well. A recent study revealed that 71% of buyers want to hear from sellers when looking for new ideas to improve their business. In the same study, […]
Years from now, when you look back on your career in sales, perhaps you’ll remember 2015 as the year you transformed the way you sell. Why? Because sales acceleration technology now offers forward-thinking salespeople what once would have seemed like superpowers. Make no mistake about it – solid sales skills, the right sales process, and CRM are […]
Revenue.io maximizes sales performance by transforming one of the most important, and yet most neglected, pieces of technology in the office – the phone. But as any sales manager knows, keeping track of how sales teams are performing is just as important. That’s why we’ve just rolled out something our customers have been asking for – […]
Uncover new data that unveils actionable insights that will transform your sales prospecting strategies. Andy Paul, Sales Expert and two-time Bestselling Author, will join Howard Brown, the Founder and CEO of Revenue.io to reveal top-performing sales reps’ activity numbers, connection rates, and more from the Revenue.io 2020 Sales Prospecting Benchmark Report. The two will cover […]
The best sales teams have experienced a profound revelation: without sales acceleration tools, reps are going to leave a lot of revenue on the table.  And by sales acceleration tools, I’m not talking about CRM. CRMs like Salesforce help keep your data organized and are great for crunching out reports, but sales acceleration tools actually […]