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It has never been a more exciting time to be in sales. New sales acceleration tools are revolutionizing the way we sell. Customers are becoming more educated about our offerings than ever thanks to inbound marketing. And social media has made it easier than ever to connect with and learn from the most successful sales […]
When it comes to B2B sales, closing bigger deals is always better, right? Think again! This might sound crazy to some of you, but often, it’s better to start small. This is especially true if you’re selling complex, expensive B2B tech. The reason is that large deals are riskier. Big deals can be difficult to support. And […]
We all want to feel secure in the decisions we make. And it’s a lot easier to make a decision when you know that other people have made a similar decision and feel confident with the results. That’s why referrals and testimonials matter so much in sales. In fact, testimonials are one of the most prominent ways […]
Imagine someone interrupts your busy day with a phone call. They don’t greet you by name or ask how you are, they go straight into pushing a product on you that doesn’t solve any of the problems that you’re currently facing, They haven’t asked you any questions, they’ve just spoken. By the end of it, […]
Every sales department has a standard list of discovery call questions they use to weed out disqualified leads and reveal their true buyers. Most commonly, the questions fall in line with their particular lead qualification framework, and cover factors like challenges, purchasing authority, budget, and decision-making process. The problem is that nearly every SDR uses […]
Your weeks are jam packed and you’re challenged to squeeze in the amount of individual coaching that you know you should. The ever growing size of the typical sales team certainly doesn’t help. The Bridge Group found that the average manager to rep ratio increased by 12%, to 8 reps per manager.  Do you spend […]
Desktop notifications  are an absolute productivity killer for 99% of people on this planet, and the same is true for about half of sales reps. But for certain types of reps – namely lead qualification reps and account executives – desktop notifications can be a GODSEND. Why? Because desktop notifications can be one of the most powerful […]
One question that we get asked a lot around here is whether leaving sales voicemails is a complete waste of time. Sure, since the advent of email and unlimited texting, it has been more difficult to get calls back from voicemails. But does that mean sales reps should omit voicemails from their communication strategy? Far from it! First of […]
Over the last decade, the software-as-a-service (SaaS) business model has become more clearly defined. New cloud-based startups are popping up every week. They compete for market share through a variety of marketing efforts such as paid search ads and inbound content marketing, with the bigger players at the higher end pouring a lot of money […]
A call disposition describes the outcome of a call. They include statuses like, “demo scheduled,” “left voicemail”, and even “no longer in service.” In fact, customer service teams have actually logged call dispositions for years, and sales teams have followed to record call outcomes. Call dispositions give sales managers valuable intelligence they can use to […]
Pick up nearly any food product you can find on the shelves of your local supermarket and it will be stamped with an expiration date. Best-by date. Or sell-by date. This useful bit of regulation is designed to protect consumers from products that have sat unsold on the shelves for too long at the store. […]
Depending on your industry, each rep on your team could be spending as much as 25 hours each month just leaving voicemail messages. A study by Baylor University’s Keller Center of Research shows that sales reps in the real estate industry made 209 calls per day. Out of those 209 calls, 150 were unanswered. At an average length […]