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What are the Differences Between Salesforce Editions? In today’s world a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform is no longer optional, it’s a business requirement. It simply has become impossible to operate without one. By now you know that a CRM system like Salesforce empowers your organization to collect, analyze, store, and retrieve information that is […]
Social media has revolutionized sales. Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter can be veritable gold mines for salespeople tasked with lead generation. But to fully leverage social media, it’s important to provide reps with the right social sales training. Even if your sales force is comprised of social enthusiasts, it’s easy to misuse social platforms. Without clear guidelines, […]
“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” Ben Franklin may or may not have been thinking about business operations when he wrote that famous line, but it’s just as applicable in our world as it was in the 1700s. I mention it here because our latest eBook is about something that everyone needs, but most people […]
Like most sales teams, you may be experiencing the challenge of shifting teams to remote work while ensuring that you don’t slow down revenue operations. This is something we at Revenue.io care a lot about. At least 25% of our workforce is often working remote at any time, and at the moment, our team is […]
There is no doubt that we are in unique times and some would even say uncharted territory. Never before in history have more office employees been asked to work from home across the globe than in recent weeks in response to the Coronavirus outbreak.  Tumultuous changes, both in the market and in social life make […]
In light of recent events, numerous companies are taking their teams remote. This means that many sales managers are either taking their sales reps remote, or are operating a geographically dispersed team for the first time. When you manage a remote sales team, there is an incredible amount of nuances to be considered. How do […]
In light of recent events, we’ve heard many questions from sales leaders regarding moving in-office sales teams to a remote model. Many of our customers were among the first companies to take their sales teams remote as a protective measure against the spread of Coronavirus. This was due in part to the fact that the […]
One of the most rewarding aspects of managing an inside sales team is helping your reps to become more successful salespeople. Hiring sales reps is one of the most important investments that a company makes. And turnover is costly! In fact, a DePaul University’s Sales Effectiveness Survey found the average cost of turnover for a single sales […]
The following guest post is by Dan O’Brien, marketing manager at Prialto. If increasing your sales revenue depends on referrals, then you need to focus on building trust. When people trust you, they will refer opportunities to you. While trust is a broad and expansive concept, potential referrers only need to think about it in […]
To build a world-class sales organization, you need to be able to predict the future. And by tracking the right metrics, sales leaders can gain the fuel they need to make smarter decisions and help their sales teams drive more revenue than ever. So if your sales team is not already leveraging predictive analytics, you may be […]
In their 2018 buyer preferences study, CSO Insights found that salespeople ranked ninth out of the top ten ways buyers prefer to solve their business problems. “Vendor salespeople” placed below websites, peers, social networking groups, and web searches. In fact, only 23 percent of buyers named salespeople as one of their top three resources. This […]
I’ll admit right off the bat that the title of this article is a trick question. Because the majority of reps are not going to update their CRMs consistently. Why? Because reps view updating Salesforce as burdensome. As Andreesen Horowitz’s Scott Weiss rightly pointed out in a recent article, “The words ‘I need you to update Salesforce’ […]