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As a marketer who previously worked as an inside sales rep, I have some personal insight into why friction can develop between these two departments. I only needed to type “why Sales h-” into Google and the first autofill suggestion was “why sales hates marketing.” The web is brimming with literature on the subject. But […]
As companies and other organizations make swift operational changes during this global health crisis, Revenue.io is taking steps to help our customers put the safety of their employees first while continuing to operate normally. If your team is not already working remotely or distributed across multiple locations, we want you to know that we are […]
By now, we all know that consistent coaching produces higher rep productivity. When coaching an inside sales team, call recordings are especially important for providing feedback during 1-on-1 coaching sessions and building a library of sharable best practice examples. Since coaching is essentially an ongoing conversation between coach and rep, how you communicate is key to […]
If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s when I hear sales reps calling under the guise of “just calling to check in,” or “just calling to say hi.” Sales reps take note: if you don’t give your prospects a clear, justifiable reason for calling, the conversation is over before it started. In order to […]
Email is one of the best tools a salesperson can have. It is highly efficient, can easily contact mass amounts of leads and prospects within minutes, and can be highly targeted to a sales reps’ most relevant audiences. Sales emails can also be used in conjunction with sales calls, as they increase the effectiveness of […]
Data is essential to successful sales management. People might think of marketers as the data geeks. But here at Revenue.io, I get the opportunity to talk to a lot of sales managers.  And every week, I’m routinely impressed by just how data-driven some of these sales managers are! It’s not hard to see why. Data about […]
Since releasing our Complete Guide to Inside Sales Analytics, I’ve had some time to reflect on what the most important sales metric is. While there are dozens of metrics that I believe sales leaders must track in order to succeed, one metric keeps sticking out in my mind, and it’s a fairly simple one: sales conversations […]
House of Cards is back for its forth season. This is just one of those shows that keeps getting better and better and I can hardly wait to see how the latest season ends (I envision some binge-watching in my future). If you’re new to House of Cards, it’s the story of Frank Underwood (played by Kevin Spacey), […]
Context for Sales Conversations For sales managers with Salesforce, lead status can only tell you so much about about the state of the prospect interaction. When you need real insights into a relationship with a contact, the progress of a discussion, or where things left off, you have to read the call notes. The call […]
In my experience, one of the biggest differences between successful and unsuccessful sales reps has been the amount of sales conversations that they have each day. A lot of work goes into having a single successful sales conversation. The most successful reps follow up relentlessly, leverage tools to connect with more prospects and can keep qualified prospects on […]
It’s not uncommon for star sales reps to be promoted or otherwise move into sales management. Unfortunately, top salespeople aren’t necessarily the best sales managers. The sales manager is a critical role, and you must select the right person for it. If the wrong individual is chosen, there may be significant costs to your organization. […]
  IBM is just the latest business to discover how powerful social media can be as a lead generation tool. A buyer preference study revealed that one third of B2B buyers are currently using social media to make purchasing decisions. This number is only going to grow. The study indicates that 75% of respondents are […]