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How to Click to Dial in Salesforce in a Few Easy Steps

Revenue Blog  > How to Click to Dial in Salesforce in a Few Easy Steps
3 min readFebruary 26, 2020

In our personal, day-to-day lives, nearly every time we need to make a phone call we just simply click or tap. So, at work, why shouldn’t sales teams benefit from the same simplicity with click to dial in Salesforce?

Click to dial simply refers to the ability to automatically dial and place a call to a given number with a single click or tap. This ability can be especially important in sales and within Salesforce. Since it takes a few seconds to dial a number and even longer if it is an incorrect one, manual number calling, especially down a list, is a repetitive, exhaustive, and difficult task for sales reps to complete. Instead of being positive and impactful on the phone, you may find that you and your reps struggle to have productive conversations because of the task-switching and time involved in manual number dialing. Click to dial solves all of these issues and grants sales reps the opportunity to be more effective on the phone.

Click to dial not only eliminates the possibility of incorrectly dialing a number, it significantly speeds up a sales reps’ workflow and keeps them focused on the task at hand. With a simple click, the number is automatically dialed and a call is made through the dialer system, allowing reps to breeze through lists and focus on their phone conversations, rather than the numbers they are dialing.

Click to dial in Salesforce is especially important since the majority of sales activities take place within, or involve the Salesforce CRM. As the customer relationship management platform of choice for the majority of sales teams, Salesforce catalogs and stores key information on leads, prospects, and customers. This data includes contact information, like phone numbers and email addresses, as well as historical activities performed. Since most sales reps will be making calls out of Salesforce, click to dial must work within the platform.

How to click to dial in Salesforce

Firstly, to click to dial Salesforce, you need a Salesforce-enabled dialer application on your computer. Salesforce offers a native dialer solution, but there are also exceptional third-party dialers and platforms offer excellent capabilities and benefits.

Click to Dial in Salesforce with the Salesforce Dialer

Salesforce’s own native Lightning Dialer allows users to place calls within the Salesforce platform using click to call. The Lightening dialer enables click-to-dial within Salesforce for sales reps, and also grants them the ability to dial manually with a clickable pad. Sales teams pay monthly for seats in the Lightning Dialer, and additionally for blocks of minutes for calls made through it.

Click to Dial with Sales Automation Tools

Sales automation tools outside of Salesforce’s Lightening dialer also offer click to dial, with some additional benefits. Revenu.io’s dialer for instance not only gives sales teams the ability to click to dial in Salesforce, but anywhere within the browser. This means that reps can click to dial from email, Gmail, websites, mapping applications, calendars, social media, or any other place a phone number appears on the web. Since the action is performed through a dialer, all calls are automatically logged back to Salesforce.

Sales automation tools also provide additional benefits like advanced reporting and coaching capabilities. These third-party dialers are often easier to install, use, and have significant support services devoted to them.
