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Why Every B2B Marketer Should Answer Inbound Sales Calls this Quarter

Revenue Blog  > Why Every B2B Marketer Should Answer Inbound Sales Calls this Quarter
2 min readJanuary 21, 2020

One of my New Year’s resolutions was understanding our customers’ needs better. So last week, I did something that most marketers rarely do: I answered inbound sales calls.

This might sound unusual, but here at Revenue.io, our mission is to fully understand what our customers need to realize their full potential. So our whole team—from our CEO and C-Suite on down to the management level – regularly talks to current and potential customers. This helps us ensure we’re strategically aligned with our customers’ needs.

The Best Way to Align with Sales: Talk to Your Customers

Many analysts discuss the importance of aligning marketing with sales. But without talking to potential customers, it’s too easy to become disconnected from the real reasons our prospects pick up the phone to call us.

There’s simply no better way to understand your customers’ needs than actually to talk to them. So this year, I’m challenging all B2B marketers to get on the phone with prospects (or at least listen in on some real sales calls.) Think of it as market research.

I think you’ll find—as I did—that talking to prospects and customers makes you a better marketer. Here are a few benefits of talking to customers first-hand.

Gain Insight Into Where to Refine Your Content

While taking inbound sales calls, I spoke to a few confused customers about various aspects of our functionality. With great dashboards, I may know which efforts drive leads, opportunities and revenue. But I would have no visibility into whether it required more in-depth information about certain aspects of our functionality. By talking to leads, I could identify a few areas where I can better educate our prospective customers.

Better Understand Your Customers’ Pain

Remember that in this day and age, when a prospect calls you, there is usually a good reason. Speaking to customers gave me far more insight into the sorts of pain points that inspired leads to pick up their phones. That knowledge can help me create content that resonates with other customers experiencing similar pain points.

Learn The Most Important Things to Emphasize

Your sales team may be closing deals, but do you truly know why? Do you know which features your customers truly can’t live without? By taking inbound sales calls, you can better understand the features your prospects are most excited about. It comes as no surprise that they might not be the features that you think are most important.

For more tips on better understanding your customers’ pain points and needs, check out our free eBook, Socratic Sales: The 21 Best Sales Questions for Mastering Lead Qualification and Accelerating Sales.