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5 Industries that Desperately Need Call Tracking Solutions

Revenue Blog  > 5 Industries that Desperately Need Call Tracking Solutions
3 min readMay 8, 2020

The reason for using call tracking software is simple: if you’re closing any business by phone, you should measure call metrics with the same degree of diligence that you’d use to track online behavior. Call tracking software can add tremendous value to businesses across a wide range of industries. Here’s a cross section of businesses types that often don’t invest in call tracking software, but should. We’ll explore some ways that these businesses can drive more revenue by adopting call tracking solutions.


Imagine that you own a beautiful resort in the Bahamas. Your resort offers all the same amenities as the name brands and then some. It takes a lot of advertising to get noticed, to say nothing of inspiring guests to pick up their phones and book a room. With call tracking software, you could easily know which radio ads, television ads and direct mailing efforts offer the best ROI. You might, for example, find that an expensive direct mailing campaign was not nearly as lucrative as a well-placed TV ad during a Miami Dolphins game.

Nonprofit Organizations

While most nonprofit organizations use a variety of fundraising channels (including SMS and online), the phone has hardly vanished. As a dedicated NPR listener, I am regularly subjected to those pledge drives in which they make you feel guilty for all the joy you’ve gotten from listening and politely ask you to call in and make a donation. (Full disclosure: I’ve called in and donated two cars to NPR in the past 5 years, so their tactics at least seem to work on me).

Since there are still a lot of nonprofit organizations using the telephone as a fundraising channel, it makes sense to track which efforts drive calls from donors. By using call tracking software and a CRM solution like Salesforce.com, a nonprofit organization can compare how much funds were raised over the phone with the funds raised via other channels. Nonprofit businesses can also use call tracking to determine which direct mail campaigns have the biggest impact. By using unique phone numbers, a charity can see which mailing campaigns best resonate with potential donors.

Cosmetic Medicine

Medical professionals offering procedures like LASIK, plastic surgery, Lapband and Invisiline commonly book a lot of their appointments over the telephone. They also often invest in multiple advertising channels including radio, billboards, ads on benches and more. By assigning unique numbers to these various advertising channels, doctors practicing cosmetic medicine will know which of these efforts are helping to fill their appointment calendars and which are just a waste of money.

Anyone who has watched television during the day is likely familiar with ads featuring lawyers promising to get you the largest car accident settlement or insurance claim. Law offices do a lot of business by phone. But imagine that a law office is running two high profile commercials during daytime talk shows. One features a woman talking about how much money she won in a settlement. The other features a lawyer delivering the tough words,”I’ll fight for you!” With call tracking, the law office can figure out which messaging drives the most new clients. The law office might find that potential clients care more about a lawyer sounding tough than promising large rewards. If so, they can invest in additional content with messaging that has been proven successful with call tracking software.

SaaS Companies

Since Revenue.io is a B2B SaaS company, I know firsthand how helpful call tracking can be when selling software. We have the ability to assign a unique number to each email campaign, Google AdWords keyword, YouTube video and more. The result is that we gain insight into which efforts are driving calls. And since we also use Salesforce.com, we also know which which efforts drive leads, opportunities and revenue. We know how competitive the software market is and we also know that call tracking can give businesses a real edge. That’s why we set out to develop a call tracking solution to begin with.

These are only some of the types of businesses that can gain more insight and make smarter marketing decisions by investing in call tracking software. Call tracking isn’t right for every business model, but if you close deals over the phone, chances are you can benefit from a call tracking solution.