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Top B2B sales reps have already discovered how valuable LinkedIn can be during B2B sales prospecting. Best-selling author and top sales strategist Jill Konrath reported that reps can massively accelerate their sales pipeline by spending less than an hour a day using LinkedIn. In fact, Konrath states that LinkedIn offers better sales ROI than any […]
One of my New Year’s resolutions was understanding our customers’ needs better. So last week, I did something that most marketers rarely do: I answered inbound sales calls. This might sound unusual, but here at Revenue.io, our mission is to fully understand what our customers need to realize their full potential. So our whole team—from […]
For our recent eBook, we asked several sales leaders to name a sales metric that more managers should be tracking. One of the sales leaders we spoke with was John Barrows, who trains sales teams at many of the world’s leading technology companies, and offers exceptional training content at jBarrows.com.  Meetings with Key Decision Makers by Rep Most companies […]
If you were to take a cross-section of all the world’s top performing sales leaders, I bet you’d find something important they have in common: they are perpetually on the hunt for new opportunities to optimize sales ROI. They are always on the lookout for new metrics to track that can help them make smarter revenue […]
For our recent eBook, we asked several sales leaders to name a sales metric that more managers should be tracking. One of the sales leaders we spoke with was Box’s VP of Sales Productivity, Doug Landis. In Sales, it’s far too easy to focus your attention on the low hanging fruits of sales analytics (e.g. […]
According to the Harvard Business Review, investments in sales management training have soared over the last two decades, with U.S. corporations alone spending $15 billion each year. With such high amounts being spent, businesses are understandably keen to measure their return on those investments. However, the ROI on this type of training is more difficult […]
Each day, as we speak with our current and prospective customers, we get a wide range of questions about what’s possible with inside sales software. A lot of the time, we mention productivity features that people didn’t even know existed. Given the increase in demand, we thought it would be helpful to create a guide […]
Scott Brinker’s massive new version of the Marketing Technology Landscape is so vast – comprising more than 1,800 companies – that it easily earns its moniker as a “supergraphic” (Before viewing, raise browser zoom to maximum and don a pair of telescopic eyeglasses). Squeezed between the many no-brainer categorical segments such as Marketing Automation and […]
The main difference between Live and Recorded Sales Call Coaching is timing. Live coaching provides real-time feedback, allowing managers to guide reps during active calls. Recorded coaching, however, offers flexibility, enabling managers to review calls later and provide detailed, strategic feedback. Choosing the right method depends on team needs and coaching goals. Like many things […]
2019 Update: the Free Mobile CRM App for iPhone is discontinued & no longer supported. You can learn about the new amazing products we produce here. Here at Revenue.io we never rest on our laurels. We are constantly working (often literally around the clock) to  improve our products. We just rolled out some exciting new […]
“Sell high or die.” This phrase should be a mantra to all B2B salespeople. And when I say “sell high” I’m not talking about stocks. I mean that you need to take that figurative—or literal—elevator the C-Suite. Are the products you offer the best-in-class? Are your services superlative? Good. But that doesn’t matter at all unless […]
It is a common fear that artificial intelligence will take over human jobs, reduce the number of jobs available to humans, and ultimately negatively impact the labor market. Today, BNN Bloomberg turned to Revenue.io CEO Howard Brown for his take on the impact of AI. Howard shares that artificial intelligence will not steal jobs from […]