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As promised, here’s part 2 for you. Missed part 1? No worries – read it here. 9. Listen As Lyndon B. Johnson said, “You aren’t learning anything when you’re talking.” You need to make listening your primary objective during the sales conversation. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but are you actually doing it? If […]
Great sales operations managers are always on the lookout for new ways to enable reps to sell better. According to TOPO HQ, high growth teams are leveraging an average of five technologies in their sales stack. However, before adding a new tool, it’s important to make sure it will play well with your other applications. Here are seven […]
Imagine that you’re a lead qualification agent, inside sales rep, or any of the important people that take inbound sales calls. You’re working hard to ensure that callers are qualified leads, prioritize those leads, and hand them off to the most qualified sales reps. For most lead qual agents, this process usually entails creating a […]
No two salespeople are exactly alike. But when you’ve spent enough time managing sales reps, you begin to notice patterns. There are some personality types that are common to most sales organizations. And one of the biggest mistakes that sales managers make is managing every rep the same. Inside sales reps with different personalities will […]
Our Founder & CEO Howard Brown appeared on Bloomberg TV to discuss AI in the workforce, the future of labor, and how Revenue.io is transforming the sales experience. Most of the news surrounding AI seems to be negative in terms of impact on the workforce, but Howard shares a more optimistic view. He discusses how […]
Sales has always involved a fair amount of stress, and now they are feeling more pressure than ever. Sales reps are at the front lines as they attempt to reshape selling strategies to meet demands and bring in revenue. Undoubtedly, this is a stressful time. Now, during Mental Health Month, Sales Expert Richard Harris and […]
As a new SaaS sales rep you may have already gone through the onboarding process. If not, check out this article to help you navigate that initial learning phase. You’re probably wondering what you can do to become a better rep, strengthen your position with your current employer, and expand your advancement options.  Here are […]
Over the next few years, your business should expect and prepare for more inbound calls from customers than ever before. I know what you’re thinking – “More calls? Do people even make phone calls anymore?” While your customers might be using social media and texting more for personal communications, inbound business calls are actually at […]
The “Nexus of Forces” may sound like something out of J.J. Abrams’ new Star Trek movie, but it’s a term that market research firm Gartner is using to describe the convergence of social, mobile, cloud computing and information technology. And, according to Gartner vice president Joanne Correia, “CRM is at the eye of the Nexus […]
Sales coaching is most effective when a formal, well-defined coaching approach is implemented. CSO Insights even found that organizations with a random or informal sales coaching strategy attained win rates below the average of 51.8 percent. While coaching is critical for continuous performance and productivity improvement, it must be a regular, ongoing process. Obviously, sales […]
Are sales reps underestimating their ability to close deals? According to a new data from Implisit, account executives are underestimating their ability to close deals. The study, which analyzed data from 500,000 opportunities, reveals that the average rep wins 13% more deals than predicted. In addition, reps are underestimating the time it takes to close deals. […]
If content isn’t already the king of your marketing department, it might be high time to schedule a coronation. New data from Hubspot shows that inbound marketing (i.e. social media, blogging, SEO copywriting and other content creation efforts) can not only generate more leads than outbound efforts, but also deliver a lower cost-per-lead (CPL). Hubspot’s […]