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Sales development reps (SDRs) are an essential component of an inside sales team. They are hunters, navigating through uncharted territory, capturing leads with laser-targeted sales pitches. Great SDRs can open opportunities into new business that would have otherwise flown far under your company’s radar. But you’ve heard the phrase “Always Be Closing?” Make no mistake about it: SDRs should […]
The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend is being fueled by both companies and employees for starkly different reasons. So far, the growing presence of personal devices in the office is primarily relegated to mobile, such as iPhones and iPads, rather than computers. In voluntary BYOD situations, employees often bring tablets and phones to work out […]
Like many others before me, discovering marketing automation was a defining point in my career. And once you see the light, there’s no going back. I remember the old days of sending out email campaigns without any knowledge of how those campaigns were affecting conversions or contributing to pipeline. But marketing automation tools such as […]
The Best Response Time Wins A recent experiment revealed that only 42% of B2B companies responded to leads within 5 days (yes, you read that right — days). What’s even more shocking is the fact that the other 58% never bothered to respond. Given the fact that B2B marketers are projected to spend over $4.6 […]
I think every salesperson has had the experience of losing a deal to a competitor. It’s never a great feeling, but I try to see each lost deal as an opportunity to learn ways to better solve customers’ pain points. Tracking which competitors you’re losing deals to and why is one of the best ways to […]
Scaling, or the stage that follows the growth phase of an organization, is especially hard on a sales team. At this point of growth, significant executive attention and pressure is placed on new revenue growth. Additionally, when selling a new product in an emerging market, freshly hired sellers & managers are tasked with testing messaging […]
What are your sales principles? I love the following quote from Harrington Emerson, a renowned business theorist. “As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.” […]
Our desire to collaborate with our fellow human beings is built into our genetics. In fact, evolutionary anthropologists recently discovered that young humans prefer to work together to solve problems, while chimpanzees do not exhibit such a preference. It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and in B2B sales, […]
High performing inside sales teams are also high tech. Want proof? Look no further than Salesforce’s recent State of Sales report. According to the report, which surveyed over 2,300 global sales leaders, “High-performing sales teams use nearly 3x more sales tech than underperforming teams, freeing them from process-heavy tasks and giving them more time to […]
Experience is a great teacher. There’s a limit, however, to how much it can teach. Ben Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers, wrote, “Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other.” Ben Jonson, the English playwright and poet who was a contemporary of Shakespeare, also chimed in on the subject. He […]
2 min read - August 10, 2020
What’s Your Sales Truth?
What’s your sales truth? You can’t spend a minute on LinkedIn or some sales forum without encountering people claiming to be the sole possessors of previously unknown sales secrets, sales truths and sales hacks that have the power to transform your life. What these “truths” have in common is that they all claim to provide […]
It’s the second month of the third quarter. Some sales teams are scrambling at this point, increasingly worried they won’t make annual quotas. Regardless if your team is on pace to hit their targets, or not, it’s a great time to review the first half. How do you stay on track or make adjustments to […]