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IT professionals of the world rejoice! With the release of iOS 7, Apple has redoubled their efforts to secure enterprise data. As a result, we expect to see BYOD programs gain even more traction with enterprise companies. Apple’s  commitment to data security is nothing new. According to SilverSky’s CTO Andrew Jaquith, “Before iOS 7, Apple […]
I’ve been hearing more and more sales leaders discussing the importance of sales enablement lately. Sure, hiring the right inside sales reps will always be important. But I think that more sales organizations are starting to get hip to the fact that—in this highly competitive market—sales talent alone isn’t close to enough. Beyond talent, hustle and other […]
Sales is often touted as a high-energy, go-fast profession full of passionate, excited people. But sometimes it’s just plain hard to find the motivation you usually have. So, for when you are struggling, feeling stuck, and can’t find first gear, we compiled some of our favorite motivational sales quotes to get you going again. Grab […]
Dynamic phone number insertion (DNI) is a process that marketers use to measure the impact of digital efforts on  inbound phone calls. When a lead clicks though to your site from any advertisement, DNI technology displays a number that’s unique to the specific search engine, web page, keyword or other source. By tracking call tracking […]
There are many professions that review footage of themselves during practice or after competitions. Professional athletes review game footage, musicians listen to recordings of themselves, actors re-watch their reels, pilots check their simulations… the list goes on and on. As a sales rep, you should do the same thing every single time you lose a […]
What separates the best agencies from the rest of the herd? Creative vision? Attention to detail? Sure, those things will always be important. But, at the end of the day, your customers are hiring you to deliver results. The best agencies are those that can not only deliver good results, but can also perpetually connect […]
Your sales pipeline is the fuel line that powers your sales process and turns leads into revenue. A pipeline typically consists of stages that sales prospects advance through as they become a customer. Beginning with your marketing team, your sales pipeline delivers contacts from your marketing team to sales development reps, who turn them into […]
Imagine you’re an inside sales rep who is given a list of outbound leads to call down. It can be tempting to just dial down the list cold, in hopes of initiating as many conversations as possible. But think how much more successful you could be if you had access to contextually relevant information about each […]
With Revenue.io, sales reps have the power to improve lead quality by simply rating calls. While of course the holy grail for gauging lead quality will always be ROI, Revenue.io’s call rating feature enables sales reps to quickly signal marketers when campaigns are or aren’t driving great calls. This real-time visibility can inspire marketers to work […]
What if every lead that called your company could be instantly connected to someone specializing in the product they want? If you could do that, how much more business could you close? For example, let’s say that you sell cloud app hosting packages that you are advertising on Google AdWords. With Revenue.io, the moment a […]
If you’re like many sales leaders, you’re feeling the pressure to onboard and ramp up a sales team quickly. It can be tempting to hire any rep who seems reasonably intelligent and likable. And sure, the right sales coaching and sales tools can help most reps perform better. But that doesn’t mean you should hire every […]
If you think of your entire sales organization as a car, then that car’s engine is your sales operations team. Even though it can’t be seen by drivers, it is working constantly to propel your sales teams forward to their goal. Your sales operations team’s job is not only to help sales run smoothly, but […]