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How to Close Bigger Deals

Revenue Blog  > How to Close Bigger Deals
2 min readMay 7, 2020

Does your sales team spend way too much time chasing small deals? Have you become too reliant on inbound lead quality? If so, I have good news – on Tuesday May 19, I’ll be moderating the How to Close Bigger Deals Webinar that will reveal proven ways to blow up the size and scope of your sales opportunities.

(BTW – the webinar will be recorded, so be sure to sign up even if you can’t make the live event.)

Why is this so important? We’re in a time when inbound marketing is driving an ever larger portion of business, and that’s true whether you’re in B2B or B2C sales. But if it’s larger accounts thatClose Bigger Deals you’re after, inbound isn’t usually the answer. The biggest deals are found, not drawn to you.

So how do you find larger accounts that are sales-ready? And once you find them, how do you reach them effectively, and minimize the length of the sales cycle?

My guests are going to tell you. Our rock star panel of enterprise sales experts features the creator of Trigger Event Selling, the foremost Power Growth expert who teaches Fortune 1000 companies and a three-time-entrepreneur who helps billion-dollar enterprises accelerate sales.

By attending this one-hour inside sales master class you’ll learn how to:

  • Double your average deal size
  • Radically reduce time-to-quota
  • Stop wasting time on 73% of your inbound leads
  • Absolutely nail trigger sales windows for enterprise companies

I hope you’ll join us. And again, even if you can’t attend live, sign up and we’ll send you the on-demand video.
