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We are constantly working to ensure that Revenue.io’s mobile CRM apps improve sales efficiency. Our latest update focuses on helping agents access important information quicker, while our Salesforce automation features save time between sales calls. By our count,  Revenue.io Free for Salesforce can save a dozen or so discreet steps with sales followup tasks, which can […]
See the breaking data that reveals how sales managers have adjusted to a fully remote environment. Join Revenue.io’s own VP of Product Jeff Shelton and Sales Manager Ryan Vaillancourt as they analyze and react to exclusive data garnered exclusively from Revenue.io’s sales platform. The pair will explore sales metric benchmarks on how usage of the […]
The importance of sales coaching has been proven. Surprisingly, only 21.7% of sales managers have implemented a formal coaching program for their teams. Part of the problem is that managers find it difficult to find the time to coach their reps.  As challenging as it may be to provide sales coaching, coaching a team of […]
Want to hear your sales team groan? Tell them that it’s time to do sales role-plays. It’s the activity that sales professionals love to hate because they always seem to feel awkward and uncomfortable. Role playing is dreaded and awkward because it is a cross between public speaking and acting, the soft skills that people […]
2020 update: This post contains legacy content regarding Revenue.io features. For the most recent up-to-date information about Revenue.io, please check out our amazing solutions at www.revenue.io   Revenue.io has always given marketers the ability to track the ROI on calls from  search marketing, including Google AdWords, Yahoo and Bing. But as of today, Revenue.io now […]
Revenue.io’s Founder and CEO, Howard Brown, was recently named one of Comparably’s Top CEOs for the third consecutive year. This year, Howard shared the award with leaders like Eric Yaun of Zoom, Brian Halligan of HubSpot, and Craig Jellinek of Costco. Perhaps what is most impressive about Comparably’s rankings is that they are 100% driven […]
You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Curiosity killed the cat.” When it comes to sales, I think it’s time to amend that saying. In sales, curiosity is perhaps the most important value to nurture. We’ve all know the stereotype of the pushy salesperson who only cares about closing the deal. Well asking your prospects questions […]
Sales operations managers are often the sales profession’s unsung heroes. They’re tactical experts who solve process-related problems, identify and research tools, and implement solutions to help sales and marketing teams reach their full revenue-driving potential. If you haven’t already hired a great sales operations manager, chances are you may  need one soon. To find out more […]
The start of a new year and a fresh set of goals means the pressure is on. How well your sales team performs against these goals is in your hands. Your confidence for the coming months hinges on last year’s results – if it was a down year, it is time for a change; chances […]
2017 is here! As sales professionals, we’re always looking for new ways to expand our skill set and make new connections. Going to the right conferences can actually offer fantastic ROI to sales professionals. First of all, there are almost always sessions and keynotes featuring top industry experts. It’s a great place to share strategies […]
The sales pitch is a cornerstone of the sales process. Whether it is on the phone, in person, or through email, your pitch is the crucial first impression. Sales organizations have perpetually devoted time, energy, and resources to improving their pitches, but you can take actions that help gradually improve your pitching over time. We’ve […]
It can be a challenge to remain customer-focused when the pressure is turned up from your sales managers, especially at the end of a quarter. It’s even more challenging at the end of the fiscal year. It’s easy to just focus in on the numbers. Now don’t get me wrong- we are all hired to […]