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The following guest post is by Dan O’Brien, marketing manager at Prialto. If increasing your sales revenue depends on referrals, then you need to focus on building trust. When people trust you, they will refer opportunities to you. While trust is a broad and expansive concept, potential referrers only need to think about it in […]
To build a world-class sales organization, you need to be able to predict the future. And by tracking the right metrics, sales leaders can gain the fuel they need to make smarter decisions and help their sales teams drive more revenue than ever. So if your sales team is not already leveraging predictive analytics, you may be […]
In their 2018 buyer preferences study, CSO Insights found that salespeople ranked ninth out of the top ten ways buyers prefer to solve their business problems. “Vendor salespeople” placed below websites, peers, social networking groups, and web searches. In fact, only 23 percent of buyers named salespeople as one of their top three resources. This […]
Conferences, summits, trade-shows and other in-person events present your marketing team with a stack of opportunities. Events deliver the chance to interact with valuable prospects face-to-face, gain name recognition for your brand, and size up the competition. However, following each event, marketers are often challenged to determine whether their in-person efforts delivered results.  By adopting […]
Just because a lead has been qualified, it doesn’t mean they are going to become a customer. Although it varies by industry, research has shown that only 20-30% of sales qualified leads (SQLs) close. That means that there are many prospects that fall out of the funnel during your sales process. It’s just as well, […]
I’ll admit right off the bat that the title of this article is a trick question. Because the majority of reps are not going to update their CRMs consistently. Why? Because reps view updating Salesforce as burdensome. As Andreesen Horowitz’s Scott Weiss rightly pointed out in a recent article, “The words ‘I need you to update Salesforce’ […]
As a marketer who previously worked as an inside sales rep, I have some personal insight into why friction can develop between these two departments. I only needed to type “why Sales h-” into Google and the first autofill suggestion was “why sales hates marketing.” The web is brimming with literature on the subject. But […]
As companies and other organizations make swift operational changes during this global health crisis, Revenue.io is taking steps to help our customers put the safety of their employees first while continuing to operate normally. If your team is not already working remotely or distributed across multiple locations, we want you to know that we are […]
By now, we all know that consistent coaching produces higher rep productivity. When coaching an inside sales team, call recordings are especially important for providing feedback during 1-on-1 coaching sessions and building a library of sharable best practice examples. Since coaching is essentially an ongoing conversation between coach and rep, how you communicate is key to […]
If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s when I hear sales reps calling under the guise of “just calling to check in,” or “just calling to say hi.” Sales reps take note: if you don’t give your prospects a clear, justifiable reason for calling, the conversation is over before it started. In order to […]
Email is one of the best tools a salesperson can have. It is highly efficient, can easily contact mass amounts of leads and prospects within minutes, and can be highly targeted to a sales reps’ most relevant audiences. Sales emails can also be used in conjunction with sales calls, as they increase the effectiveness of […]
Data is essential to successful sales management. People might think of marketers as the data geeks. But here at Revenue.io, I get the opportunity to talk to a lot of sales managers.  And every week, I’m routinely impressed by just how data-driven some of these sales managers are! It’s not hard to see why. Data about […]