Data is essential to successful sales management. People might think of marketers as the data geeks. But here at, I get the opportunity to talk to a lot of sales managers. And every week, I’m routinely impressed by just how data-driven some of these sales managers are!
It’s not hard to see why. Data about prospects, when delivered in the right context, can help reps prioritize leads and have smarter sales conversations. While having real-time visibility into reps’ activities can help managers make smarter revenue predictions and do a better job of coaching reps into A-players.
For sales managers who have been considering unleashing their inner data geek, here are some quotes from leading sales experts about how to sell more using data and analytics. The quotes are sourced from Salesforce’s fantastic eBook 130 Sales Tips for 2015, which features our own CEO Howard Brown and several of our favorite inside sales leaders.
“Sales managers who lead people with the help of data will be the ones we emulate.”
-Jon Birdsong
CEO, Rivalry
“Look at usage data to spot upsells.”
-Don MacLennan
CEO, Bluenose
“Allowing your remote salespeople to perform the same tasks on the road as they do from their office with a mobile CRM helps them work smarter.”
-Donal Daly
Founder and CEO, The TAS Group
“Nothing else matters if reps work the wrong deals, so use predictive analytics to show reps which deals to work and which to push.”
-Andy Byrne
CEO and founder, Clari
“Live in your CRM. Update your conversations in real time, jumpstart stalled opportunities, follow your sales process.”
-Dave Kurlan
Founder & CEO, Objective Management Group, Inc.
“Invest in the future and have a plan to improve your data collection and quality.”
-Don MacLennan
CEO, Bluenose