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Checklists, cheat sheets and other tools to help sales managers create high-performing sales teams.

Sales Engagement Automation Use Case Factsheet
Do your reps know who to engage, what channels to use and which products to sell? Revenue reveals which leads and accounts most likely to buy and how to engage them.
The Ultimate Sales Discovery Call Template
Everything you need to prepare for calls, provide value during discovery meetings and propel deals forward.
The Definitive Buyer Checklist: How to Lead a Successful Technology Change Initiative
Selling is hard, but buying is harder. That’s why we’ve created this checklist: to enable you to lead a technology-buying initiative successfully.
Revenue for Zoom Feature List
Surface the behaviors, tactics and techniques of top reps with Zoom call transcription, then share them with your entire team.
Rep Ramp Acceleration Calculator
How much is your current rep ramp time costing you? Revenue.io helps you ramp reps faster, reduce training costs across your team and accelerate bookings. Our rep ramping calculator makes it easy to calculate how much more revenue you can drive by using Revenue.io to ramp new reps in a fraction of the time.
Moments Best Practice Guide
87% of sales training is forgotten within a week. But modern Conversation Intelligence solutions allow you to teach something once, then scale sales expertise across every call.
RingDNA Best Practice Guide
RingDNA continuously optimizes every workflow reps execute on a daily basis. With more than 253 million conversations captured and processed, Revenue.io learn what works so your team is exponentially more productive.
Help Enforce Compliance Behavior and Data Integrity at Scale
Revenue.io has created a fact sheet for IT and security leaders showing off our capabilities including role-based access, SOC II certification and a best-in-class integration with Salesforce.
Pipeline Generation Use Case Factsheet
Revenue.io is the #1 solution for teams growing pipeline.
Moments Feature List
AI-powered conversation intelligence that surfaces coaching opportunities in real time
Conversation AI Best Practice Guide
According to Garter, B2B sales reps forget 70% of their training within a week, and 87% will forget it within a month. With the global market for sales training being pegged at $4.6 billion, that’s a lot of money being wasted.
Guided Selling Best Practice Guide
There’s more pressure on revenue teams today than ever before. To keep up with growing demands, teams are looking to execute multichannel, multitouch engagement with buyers.