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Building a Powerful Sales Compensation Plan

The smartest sales compensation plans can not only help you recruit high-quality reps, but also motivate them to perform at their best. But creating and implementing the right compensation plan can be challenging. Do you put more emphasis on goals, revenue or activities?

CeCe Bazar

Sales Strategist, OpenView Partners

John Kosturos

VP of Sales at RingLead

Howard Brown

Founder and CEO, Revenue.io

Sales Compensation Plans Can Motivate Your Reps to Reach their Revenue Potential

This webinar reveals everything you need to know in order to hire and retain great sales reps. CeCe Bazar reveals the eight most important qualities that you should look for when hiring new inside sales reps, how to structure bonuses and how to keep comp plans simple yet effective. John Kosturos delves into how you can take a data-driven approach to sales compensation, revealing how to identify your ideal customer profile in order to properly set expectations for newly hired reps in their comp plans. Finally, Howard Brown reveals how to gain real-time visibility into your reps’ activities in order to accurately compensate them for their efforts.
Revenue.io CEO Howard Brown recently joined forces with CeCe Bazar (Sales Strategist at OpenView Partners) and John Kosturos (VP of Sales at RingLead) on a webinar that reveals how some of today’s top companies are designing, planning and implementing scalable sales compensation packages that yield powerful results.

This exciting and informative webinar is now available for you to watch on demand.