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What’s Your Unique Promise of Value? w/ John Smibert [Episode 321]

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Among the many topics that John and I discuss are the importance of building your personal brand — your unique promise of value; how you as a salesperson can become a domain expert; and why every salesperson should publish on social media. Joining me on this episode of Accelerate! is John Smibert, Co-founder and CEO of Strategic Selling Group.

Key Takeaways

  • Executives need to understand that empowering their people — with training — to build their personal brands, aligned with the organization brand, is the natural thing to do.
  • Companies should provide employees with social media guidelines, and not try to stop them.
  • Perhaps 95% of salespeople put generic profiles on LinkedIn, with no unique promise of value to their customers.
  • Why customers are not attracted to the ‘heroic’ stereotypes that many managers want in sales reps.
  • If you’re new to a company, how do you establish your unique promise of value to your customers?
  • Is Generation X inherently better than Millennials at building a personal brand?
  • Why every salesperson should publish, whether on LinkedIn, or a blog.
  • Why companies need to embrace personal branding of sales reps.

Episode Transcripts

Andy Paul 0:35

It’s time to accelerate! Hi, I’m your host, Andy Paul. Join me as I host conversations with the leading experts in sales, marketing, sales automation, sales process, leadership, management, training, coaching, any resource that I believe to help you accelerate the growth of your sales, your business and most importantly, you. 


Hello, and welcome to Accelerate! I’m excited to welcome back to the show my guest, John Smibert. John’s joining us all the way from Sydney, Australia today, co-founder, CEO of Strategic Selling Group. John, welcome back to Accelerate.


John Smibert 1:13

Thank you, Andy. It is delightful to be back. And welcome to all your listeners. I look forward to talking to all of you again.


Andy Paul 1:21

Well, good. You have a large following on our show. So I’m sure people are excited to have you back. So maybe for those who didn’t hear you the first time, take a minute, introduce yourself, and a little bit about how you got started in sales.


John Smibert 1:37

Yeah, sure. I’m an aging guy that’s been retired three or four times and still having fun. My whole career has been in the IT industry around sales, sales management, general management. And for the last 14 years or so, I’ve started a number of businesses and really loved working, essentially looking at how I can give back a little by enhancing the professionalism in the sales world.


Andy Paul 2:09

Okay, and one of the things we wanted to talk about today is right along that line, which is the importance of developing a personal brand in sales.


John Smibert 2:19

Personal branding. It’s a topic a lot of people have been talking about for a long, long time. But I’ll tell you, you look at the personal brands of the average salesperson out there, and they haven’t got the message yet.


Andy Paul 2:34

Well, why do you think that is?


John Smibert 2:37

I think it’s a number of reasons actually, Andy. And I’d really say one reason is that the companies they work for have not encouraged it. And I think that’s a very sad indictment on on management executives.


Andy Paul 2:54

You say not encouraged or actively discouraged?


John Smibert 2:58

Well, in many cases, actively discouraged and to their own detriment. Executives around the world need to understand that by empowering their people and putting trust in their people, and sure, giving them guidelines and training and assistance and coaching. But empowering them to go out and build their personal brand in alignment with their own organization. It just should be the natural thing to do. 


We’ve always empowered salespeople to go and talk to their customers without us being there monitoring them. What’s the difference in actually building a personal brand and getting out there on social media or whatever else and actually being seen as a strong individual with a unique promise of value that they’re offering out there to their target audience?


Andy Paul 3:50

So really, is it this lack of trust that’s driving executives to discourage salespeople, sales professionals from going out and and building this personal brand is lack of control over the message? Is that what the concern is?


John Smibert 4:06

A lot of it’s to do with fear of the world of social now. We’re not talking personal brand. You’re talking about a physical, personal brand that we all have. But we also talk, in this day and age, that we’re out there in the digital world or in the social media world. And we all hear the horror stories about the mistakes people make and the damage they do to themselves and their companies by saying the wrong thing and so on. 


And that’s not going to change. Because you hold back your people, you don’t trust them to actually say something out on social that might damage your company, you’re not going to change that fact. People add on social anyway, they say who they work for, and they’ll talk about that. So you need really to understand that you’ve got to help them with that, not try and stop them. 


And yes, I think it comes down to trust. It comes down to organizations wanting to– the issue of loyalty comes in here. If we help people with their personal brand, they’ll get very strong out there. They’ll go and leave us. Well, they’re gonna leave you. If that’s the attitude, they’re gonna leave you anyway.


Andy Paul 5:17

Right. As they should. So really, then, the key components we’re looking at for a personal brand in sales is certainly a test to attract, influence and engage.


John Smibert 5:35

I think there’s three very good words, Andy. And I think the more important thing is to talk about how you do that in a personal brand.


Andy Paul 5:43

Okay, so let’s jump into it. How do we use it to attract, to influence and engage?


John Smibert 5:49

There’s a few people out there who really do a great job. One is William Arruda. I’m not sure whether you would know of William. 


Andy Paul

No, I don’t. 


John Smibert

He’s a personal branding expert based in New York. I recommend to anybody, jump on and have a look at some of his videos and so on, a company called Reach. He talks about a personal brand being your unique promise of value to your target audience. 


And we need to break down what that means, the word unique. We’re all unique. And if we don’t think we’re unique, and our company doesn’t think we’re unique, then we haven’t got a lot to offer. And we’ve got to really sit down and think about what is unique about us and what’s our unique promise of value to the people we’re talking with. And that includes, it with our customers, our partners and so on, we’ve all got a unique promise of value to each one of those. So the first thing that we all need to do is understand who we are and what’s unique about us and what our unique promise of value is.

Andy Paul 7:02

So when you’re an individual, though, talking about that unique promise of value, you’re not really talking about your company’s value. You’re talking about the value you, yourself, are going to provide when somebody engages with you.


John Smibert 7:14

Absolutely, Andy, you’re spot on. And that’s the problem now. The company tries to get people going out there talking about the company, the products, and so on. And I just can’t get over the fact that a lot of companies still do that. And the salesperson needs to be out there talking to the customer about the customer’s business. 


And in doing so, the salesperson needs to be a domain expert or a domain specialist in the area that the customer is thinking about, not in their product and the company that the salesperson works for, but for the domain in which the company is thinking. And therefore, as a personal brand, your unique promise of value has to be relative to that.


Andy Paul 8:05

Which really speaks to an issue that’s hard for many sales professionals. Because in my mind, we sort of divide into two groups. One is generalists, and one is specialists. People have some specialized knowledge. And then there’s people that say, well, I can sell anything. And I think the generalists are an endangered species.


John Smibert 8:31

Yeah, I think we talked about that before, haven’t we, Andy? And I’ve heard you talk about it with lots of other people. If you’re not adding value to the customer, if you’re not bringing some unique insights to the table and helping them understand how that will help them improve their business, then you have no value. The product you’ve got and the company you work for is no value. It’s what you can do to help the customer. And then you need to be able to portray that and give trust to the customer that you’re able to do that. And your personal brand starts that process.


Andy Paul 9:08

Yeah, I still think there’s people hanging on to this idea, especially in complex B2B sales, that somehow the sales rep, the account manager, or whatever want to call them, account executive, is like the traffic cop, right? Directing resources to and from, coordinating maybe with the logistics manager if you will, bringing the resources to bear at the right time for the prospect. 


And you can’t just be on the outside looking in and being in that role. You need to have learned something from having worked with those experts and pick some of that up and synthesize that into what you’re able to help the prospect with. And from the customer’s perspective increasingly, if you’re just that traffic cop, they’re gonna bypass you. Because there’s no value there.


John Smibert 9:59



Andy Paul 10:00

So from your personal brand, these are the people that their LinkedIn profile’s basically a resume. There’s nothing they’ve shared, nothing original that they put out there. Same thing with their social, their Twitter feed, and so on. It’s nothing unique. As you said, there’s no unique promise of value there.


John Smibert 10:23

I think it’s interesting. I did a little bit of research just a couple of weeks ago where we searched through a few hundred sales profiles on LinkedIn. Fairly random search within a geographic area, and it was amazing. We had a little test we applied to reach one of the profiles. And with this test, we were looking for individuals, sales individuals, that projected a very good profile, a very good unique promise of value through their profile. 


And less than 5% did that. 95% of the salespeople on that research, and I would suggest it’s probably common worldwide, yes, it was either read as a CV. Or even if it was a little bit customer focused, it really didn’t portray any unique promise of value coming from that person. Why would I want to talk with that person? That would be the question the customer’s asking.


Andy Paul 11:31

Yeah, I saw a question that, and perhaps this may seem unfair to especially people who are newer to the sales profession and so on, and this wasn’t an issue that you and I contended with in the same respect when we got started, is that you need to know what you stand for. Because what you stand for is something that’s– you are much more visible. That’s just one of the things that comes along with our social media and social selling and so on. You are visible in a way you never were before. So who are you? What do you stand for, right? That’s what that unique promise of values is related to.


John Smibert 12:13

Yeah, Andy, you raise a very good point there. When I’m coaching people through personal branding, even before we get to a unique promise of value, we spend a lot of time making sure that the individual really searches for their authentic self. And one of the issues in salespeople, and it’s not just salespeople, it’s all sorts of people, but it’s salespeople in particular, they for years have been trying to be somebody they’re not. They think they need to be somebody that is different to who they believe they really are. 


And in my view, the most refreshing salesperson that the customer loves to meet with is the person that’s open, honest and authentic. And so the very foundation of a personal brand needs to be authentic, be genuine and open. And so that’s vital for people to come to first. And of course, you read a lot of LinkedIn profiles. And you read through two or three paragraphs or the summary on the job roles, etc., and you always see right through people where they’re trying to pretend they’re somebody who they’re not.


Andy Paul 13:30

Yeah, and I think part of that is encouraged by the ongoing use by many sales organizations, these stereotypical heroic qualities they’re looking for in their sales reps. So I think people feel like that’s what the customers want. Therefore, they have to sort of portray themselves that way. I am aggressive. I am a hunter. I’m the extrovert. Which are really not terms that customers care about.


John Smibert 13:58

Customers hate it, absolutely hate it. Customers want to deal with a real person who’s likely to bring a little value to the table to help them think through some of the issues they’ve got and work out how they can move on in a productive and creative way.


Andy Paul 14:13

Well, I think you nailed that when you said think through together, right? I mean, it’s that collaborative part of it. The root of the word collaborative is co-labor, right? Co-create. We’re gonna work together to do something, we’re gonna think through. Those are the values. So if you can represent those as part of your unique promise of value in your social profiles and your personal brand, then that really resonates.


John Smibert 14:44

It really does. Now, of course, I talk about you need to build domain expertise and you need to project that in your personal brand. So you’re right, when a young salesperson started, they might be sitting back saying, well, what unique domain expertise have I got? Well, the reality is you better get it fast. And your company better help you get it. 


And if the company doesn’t help you get it, you better find other avenues to get that  expertise. I use a case study. I had a young lady that I coached who did an amazing job. She’d come out of a role in a bank, where she was in communications inside the bank. And in that communication, she was communicating things around security issues and so on and so forth. And she got to like security a little bit. 


And she went and got a sales job selling security solutions. And of course, started from ground zero. And at the time she was hired, an experienced salesperson was hired. And he knew how to sell but didn’t know a lot about security. And in three years, this young lady went from zero to hero, just amazing. And the company that helped her helped her to some extent. But most of it was herself. I’m going to become a domain expertise in security and banking. 


And she went out of her way to follow all the thought leaders, to really get to know it. She started writing articles. She went to all the seminars on security and banking and so on and so forth. And she, in three years, became an expert. She became a domain expert to the point where she eventually got awarded at one of the banking conferences with services to the banks. And that happened in three years. Everybody can do it with the right sort of attitude and right sort of approach.


Andy Paul 16:42

Right. And I think the key thing for people listening to the show is, when you’re talking about personal brand and acquiring domain expertise, is that you can’t rely on your employer to provide that for you. I mean,as much as we’d like to, you just can’t go into the world assuming that you’re gonna learn everything from a classroom training or from a workbook or a handbook that somebody gives you. I mean, I’m sure that probably the most significant part of this woman’s training, the learning experience, let’s say, that she went through was going out and talking to customers.


John Smibert 17:17

Oh, big part of that. And then learning a whole host of insightful knowledge that she was able to then take to other customers without giving customer specific information away. But yeah, that was part of building her domain expertise, absolutely.


Andy Paul 17:34

Yeah. So you think about that. I mean, if you’re new on the job, or relatively new to a company, maybe you’re not new in sales, but new to a company, and you’re saying okay, how do I start building my personal brand? How do I start acquiring this domain expertise, which is part of that brand both with the customers and internally, inside the company? It’s on you. It’s on you. You’re gonna have to go do that. You’re gonna have to find a way.  


In my case, I like to go talk to customers. To me, that’s that’s the way I learn. I want to talk to customers. Why did they buy? Or talk to prospects, why didn’t they buy? What are our strengths? What are the real values we’re bringing, as you said? Take those tidbits, maybe combine it with something another customer told you, and you start forming a bigger picture of here are the insights about how we provide value to these set of customers. And like I said, no one’s gonna hand that to you.


John Smibert 18:27

Absolutely, Andy. And that’s from a personal point of view. And each individual salesperson needs to do that. And as you said, if you don’t, you become a generalist. And the generalists are not going to survive. And as we’ve read in a number of articles recently, it’s probably going to be 20% of the sales force disappear in the next four years.


Andy Paul 18:49

I think even if we don’t lose 20% of the sales force, what we are gonna see, though, is this stratification where those that have the domain expertise, those that incorporate that into their personal brand, they’re gonna be the ones that are sought after. So who’s going to be getting the better jobs, the bigger opportunities, the new opportunities, the thought new companies, or more responsibility dealing with critical accounts within an existing company? Whatever you aspire to that’s the upside, the domain experts are gonna get those opportunities first.


John Smibert 19:22

Exactly. Look, even in a transactional type selling, if people salespeople focus on building domain expertise– I had a recently. I was working with – I call them sandpaper – but an abrasive company, selling abrasives. And they were looking at how can we get more traction in the market and so on. So we looked at their sales process. We looked at a whole lot of things. And we went and talked to the salespeople, and they started talking about the fact that they all need to think about how they’re going to create value for their customers. They need to become domain experts. 


And one young lady just took this on dramatically. She had case study after case study. For example, Australia’s got surfers up and down the coast. So there’s lots of surfboard manufacturers. So she’d go to all the surfboard manufacturers and look at how they were getting the right surface on the surfboard. And she became an expert on getting the right surfaces for the right application on timber, on wood or fiberglass or whatever it was. 


And all the discussions she was having with the customers had nothing to do with abrasives. It all had to do with how the customer could achieve the outcome they wanted. And here you are selling sandpaper, but the discussion was never around sandpaper, if you get what I mean.


Andy Paul 20:46

Yeah, and I think that’s the benefit. That, then, really becomes readily evident to your customers when you’re talking to them from the first minute practically, that you know what talking about.


John Smibert 21:00

The customer wants to talk to you. I say that to a lot of people, how would you be if you called up a potential customer you’d never met and said, hello, I’m John, John Smibert. I’d like to have a chat. And the answer was, hey John, great to hear from you. If you have a personal brand in a target audience, target market, and you’re projecting that brand out there and you’re a domain expert expert, you’re going to get that a lot. That’s what personal branding is all about.


Andy Paul 21:38

Yeah, you go to the conferences, go to your local networking meetings. Do what it takes to put that out there. Interesting, there was some research that was done. I forget where I’d seen this. But it found that actually, Generation X or people 40 to 45 and older in the workforce are actually much more adept at developing the personal brands online than the millennials.


John Smibert 22:05

I’d hate to brand different age groups, because I find some young people doing great work. I mean, the case study I talked about before, this young lady by the name of Sue, she was 25 I think when she started in that sales role I’m talking about.


Andy Paul 22:26

Well, I think that the research was driven by the fact that with a little maturity, you have a greater awareness of the importance of that perhaps. And maybe you’ve spent more time cultivating your network.


John Smibert 22:39

And Sue had access to mentorship, and a lot of young salespeople don’t have that. They don’t get the support they need. In a lot of cases, they’re given a bit of product training and a PowerPoint presentation. And said, go ahead, go sell.


Andy Paul 23:02

Well, also, we talk in sales and marketing about developing a customer persona, who it is you’re selling to. Who are they? Very detail oriented in who that target is. It seems to me that personal branding, and correct me if I’m wrong, you have to develop the sense of what your own persona is going to be. Who are you? We talked about being your authentic self, but how do you express that? Who do you want to be? I mean, it’s an instance where you start with the end in mind.


John Smibert 23:32

As long as you start with who you are right now and make sure you authentically understand who your authentic self is. It doesn’t hurt, then, to say right now, I do want to change. There’s a brilliant TED talk by Amy Cuddy. I can’t remember the title of it now. She talks about a whole host of things, a brilliant talk if people want to go and have a look at it, where you can change. Where you don’t have a belief in yourself, but you pretend. She says you don’t fake it until you make it. Fake it until you are or some words to that effect. 


And yes, but you need to have a grounding in an understanding of who you really are before you then start looking at who you want to be and what the gap is from who you are and who you want to be and how you’ve got to fill that gap.


Andy Paul 24:29

Yeah, and that makes sense. But I think that what she describes, that path, and I’ve not seen her talk, I’ve read one of her books. This is a natural progression, I think, for people that are ambitious and aspirational. You are faking it a little bit until you are. I mean, that’s how we grow and mature in a profession.


John Smibert 25:01

Yeah, absolutely, Andy. Hey, let’s take the conversation– We’ve been talking about the individual, personal branding for the individual, and how the individual needs to take charge of that. One of the things that really worries me a little bit, and we started on this topic, was how corporations and businesses think about their people and how they help their people develop. 


And the key message I want to get to some of the leaders out there is that personal branding, in my mind, is something that every organization should help their people with. The issue is that everybody’s got a personal brand. I mean, the day after you’re born, we all have some level of personal brand. And it grows and develops throughout our life. 


The issue is that brand is more often developed without design. And we need to put some things thinking and strategy around that and help develop it into a direction that makes sense, as we were just discussing. Corporations should be helping their people to do that.


Andy Paul 26:10



John Smibert 26:11

It’s by making sure there’s coaching in place for personal branding, making sure there’s good guidelines in place, providing resources to help their people. For example, part of branding in this day and age is publishing. Every single salesperson, in my mind, should be out there publishing in one form or another. Right now, you might only publish three articles on LinkedIn and leave them sitting there for a while and maybe publish one a year. 


But when somebody looks at your profile, they should see that you’ve written a couple of articles, click on one of those articles, whatever title interests them. And say, a-ha, this person has something of interest to say. It’s really, really important


Andy Paul 26:53

So how does the company help with that?


John Smibert 26:55

Well, most salespeople aren’t writers. But a lot of them are very good in front of a camera. So they can do a bit of video, or they can do an audio like we’re talking about, lots of ways in which they can put content up there. If they’re building domain expertise and have some insight into customer domains, insight that would be a value to those customers, they need to write it down or talk it into a camera or whatever. It’s easy to do. 


Maybe the company now needs to have an individual that will help, a good editor or a good writer that will take a little bit of content, massage it, and give it back in a form that is publishable. But as long as it’s the individual’s content, not content forced on the individual by the company. So the company can help them do that. 


The company can just take them through a process, coaching them and understanding, helping this individual understand who they are, who they authentic self is, understand what their unique promise of value is. Work out how you’re going to project that through your profile on LinkedIn and wherever else you’re going to do it. And then how are you going to put out that unique promise of value in terms of content or whatever. All that companies can help with.


Andy Paul 28:21

Well, I know I’ve heard of companies that have, large companies, large enterprise, actually do mandate their account managers have to blog. They have to create content.


John Smibert 28:35

I’ve heard of it, there’s so few. And yet, all companies should be doing that. They should be empowering their people to do that. In marketing these days, they’re all learning that advertising is no longer much value. The one to many doesn’t work very effectively. People don’t trust it. 


The one to one type marketing is much better. But every organization has tens, hundreds, thousands of customer facing people. And if every one of those people had a strong personal brand with a unique promise of value that was well aligned to the company, what power is that in the marketplace? Absolutely incredible. So companies need to embrace personal branding.


Andy Paul 29:24

So first step then for a company to embrace that? Let’s say you’ve got a midsized enterprise, got a few hundred employees, maybe they’ve got 25, 30, 40 sales professionals. How do they start?


John Smibert 29:41

I think they probably definitely need to employ help with experts out there. I mentioned William Arruda. William and his organization could do enormous value to large organizations and do. William does a lot of work with consultants and coaches and that stuff, helping them build their own brand. They really could go out and help people like you and I, I’m sure. 


But certainly something that I do a lot is help companies think through their personal branding strategy and coach some of their internal people, train the trainer type things, and run workshops with salespeople. And not just salespeople, it’s any customer facing people. And customer facing can be telephone as well, where the individual needs to build a personal brand. 75% or more of views on LinkedIn are by customers these days, before or after they’ve met with an individual.


Andy Paul 30:43



John Smibert

What does that tell you? We all need to project value on what our unique promise of value is aligned with the company. The other thing the company needs to do is put out very good guidelines so people don’t damage the personal brand or the company brand in what they’re doing.


Andy Paul 31:05

Well, I think the other thing that’s implicit in everything that we said but needs to be made explicit is that this is not a one time event. Once you’ve started on this path, then it has to be maintained, it has to be kept current, it has to be updated. It’s not enough to say, okay, gosh, I’ve made this really great LinkedIn profile. And I put one article out there, and voila, I’m done.


John Smibert 31:29

That’s right. And it’s not a training program either. That’s the other thing I need to say. You don’t bring all your salespeople into a two day training program to help them plan and develop their personal brand. It does need to be a coaching, mentoring, ongoing development program. You’re absolutely right, Andy.


Andy Paul 31:50

Yeah, because it’s like anything. You’re gonna test it. You’re going to see what works. You might do what level of engagement you’re getting based on some of the content you publish. If you get a bunch, then get more like that, especially if it’s working for you in terms of engagement with potential prospects.


John Smibert 32:09

Exactly. Then the other thing is you do need to give salespeople assistance. There are a lot of mundane– and this applies to social selling either. Personal branding and social selling go hand in hand. The whole world of working social and looking at trigger events and all that sort of thing, this is where a switched on marketing organization that is well aligned to a sales organization can help enormously and bring results to the table to help salespeople build their following, get that content out that we’re talking about. Make sure that any activity their target audience has on social or any discussion that occurs, the salesperson knows about. Or somebody’s pointing out the customer’s just asked a question on an article or made a comment or an article. 


All that needs to be captured and managed very carefully. And we can’t overburden salespeople with handling lots of mundane activity. The really important activity but mundane activity that is generated out of both personal branding and social selling.


Andy Paul 33:24

So the answer is doing a lot on that, the mundane activity. Assistants, virtual assistants.


John Smibert 33:34

Here in Australia, we have the advantage of being in the same timezone as the Philippines. And the Philippines have some brilliant skills on virtual assistants. So I use virtual assistants out of the Philippines to do a lot of the repetitive type activity around personal branding and social selling. Companies need to think about how they resource that sort of activity to help salespeople. Because social selling and personal branding take a lot of time. And when you evaluate that time, 80% of the time is very mundane tasks that you can delegate out. Write up the procedures, the processes, delegate out and have other people do to help salespeople.


Andy Paul 34:25

So give us just a quick example here, and as we come toward the end of the show, how you use those resources in the Philippines to help you with that.


John Smibert 34:34

I’ll use them particularly in LinkedIn and Twitter. I will have people monitoring all the comments, all the discussions. I run a LinkedIn group called Strategic Selling Group. So I’ll have people monitoring that give me any feedback as to, hey, something’s just happened here. You probably should go online. Within reason, I can even get people to say, hey, if somebody comes online and follows me on LinkedIn and fits this criteria, here’s an invitation. I want to actually connect with that sort of person. I’ll give them license to send an invitation to that person. 


Twitter, follow the follower, other activities to grow your following. You can outsource to a very good virtual assistant. Now these virtual assistants, you need to get to know very well. They need to get to know you, because they’re acting on your behalf. It’s the same as having a secretary in the old days or a personal assistant in the old days sitting beside you. 


They might be sitting in another country, but they’re working extremely closely with you. They’re acting on your behalf. So you need to trust them, and they need to trust you. And you need to make sure the right messages are going out to your customers.


Andy Paul 36:00

Okay, good stuff. So John, we reached the end of the show. Thanks for joining me again.


John Smibert 36:06

It’s been an absolute pleasure again, Andy. And I think bottom line, I look at your personal brand, Andy. You are doing a wonderful job out there creating a lot of value. And you do have a unique promise of value that you derive out there for your listeners, your customers, and so on. So well done.


Andy Paul 36:25

Oh, thank you very much. Appreciate it. So John, tell folks how they can connect with you and find out more about what you’re doing.


John Smibert 36:31

They can connect, first of all, go to StrategicSellingGroup.com or go to my LinkedIn profile. I think there’s only one John Smibert on LinkedIn. So if you just search on John Smibert, that’s S-M-I-B-E-R-T, you’ll get me on LinkedIn. From there, you can go and find websites and Twitter, whatever else. Plus, of course, most of the articles I publish on the StrategicSellingGroup.com, I also publish on LinkedIn. So you’ll see a lot of my content there as well.


Andy Paul 37:09

Absolutely. Well, good stuff. John, again, thanks for being on the show.


John Smibert 37:12

It was an absolute pleasure, Andy. And I hope we brought some value to the listeners,


Andy Paul 37:16

I think you did. And speaking of which, thank you very much, listeners, for joining us today. And remember, make it a part of your day every day to deliberately learn something new to help you accelerate your success. An easy way to do that is to take a minute and subscribe to this podcast, Accelerate, because that way you won’t miss any of my conversations with top business experts like my guest today, John Smibert, who shared his expertise about how to accelerate the growth of your business. So thanks for joining me. Until next time, this is Andy Paul. Good selling, everyone. 


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