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The Sales Acceleration Formula: Part One w/ Mark Roberge [Episode 67]

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In this first part of my two-part conversation with Mark Roberge, CRO of HubSpot sales division and author of the best-selling book, The Sales Acceleration Formula, describes the process that he created to build the sales team that produced predictable scalable revenue growth as it rapidly marched from $0 to over $100 million in sales.

Mark shares the process that he developed to identify and hire sales candidates that have a higher probability of being successful. He also provides detailed insights into the system he developed and implemented that effectively onboards new sales reps and enables them to rapidly become productive. If you have the responsibility to grow a business, or scale a sales team to increase revenues, or maybe you want to run your own business someday, then this is a must listen episode. Don’t miss it! Listen today. And come back next week for Part 2.