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Learn the Mistakes Companies Make in Regards to Social Media w/ Corinna Essa [Episode 141]

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In today’s episode, Corinna Essa and I discuss the multitude of mistakes business owners encounter when it comes to the challenges of their social media presence.

Corinna is the President of the Australian company, Social Media Worldwide. She is an expert in showing small businesses how to use social media to drive traffic and leads online to sell more products. Social Media Worldwide works with companies to help them accelerate their growth through social media-based marketing.

Bullet Points

  • What companies should do to make online work for them.
  • What’s affiliate marketing?
  • What are the biggest mistakes small to mid-sized businesses make in their social media marketing efforts?
  • How to turn your cold traffic into warm traffic.
  • Why companies need to nurture their customers/prospects.
  • Where should businesses focus more of their efforts on? Website or Social Media?

Small to mid-sized businesses have the greatest intentions when it comes to social media. In theory, companies have an idea of what is needed but they haven’t figured out how to implement their ideas. Most businesses think it is a ‘set it and forget it’ process. Social media marketing is far greater than just ‘login, post a picture of a product, and logout’.

Companies have challenges with their social media presence. The first issue is aligning your social media with your mission or vision. Secondly, is the lack of knowledge about how social media works. Consistency is key to a company’s success on social media. Thirdly, making a mistake by thinking social media is like eBay or Amazon. This is not just a place to post your products and services. People don’t go on Facebook to buy; they go on Facebook to get informed, entertained and nurtured.

At the top of the sales funnel you have cold traffic, which are the people who don’t know, like, or trust you, but they do have some interest. By using social media, you can take cold traffic and nurture them into warm traffic. Companies need to give their followers the VIP treatment, offer them something they don’t offer elsewhere. Eventually, by doing this, you will turn the cold and warm traffic into brand evangelists.

Businesses need to start nurturing their followers by giving great value and content. If you don’t have anything to give away for free, then you can run competitions. Get your customers and prospects to be part of your brand. For example, if you have a candle company, let the customers choose a new scent, and the winner will get a free candle. People love being part of the decision-making process for enterprises.

Companies need to humanize their brand, share testimonials and stories from customers, share pictures of their team and events that the business partakes in.

Don’t spend all of your efforts on creating the best website first. Companies need to make sure they are placing their significant efforts on social media marketing. Your site will always be a work in progress.

Tune into the podcast for more great information on how you can be a social media mogul.

Learn More About Corina Essa

What’s your most powerful sales asset?

Knowledge of the topic.

Who’s your sales role model?

Steve Jobs

What’s the one book that every salesperson should read?

Changing the Channel: 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions for Your Business by Michael Masterson and MaryEllen Tribby

What’s the most frequently asked question you get asked by prospects?

Can you review my social media profile?