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How to Plan, Prepare and Travel for Business w/ Bridget Gleason [Episode 396]

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Bridget Gleason is VP of Sales for Logz.io and my regular guest on Front Line Fridays.



The topic is travel advice for salespeople. Bridget travels “incessantly” for her job. Andy hopes all salespeople invest to save time by joining TSA PreCheck. PreCheck applications can done online. International Global Entry has an interview that may take months to get.

Global Entry is applied for through Customs. Go online; schedule an appointment. The benefit is saving hours coming in on an international flight, by automating your entry with a handprint.

Andy recommends carrying your passport. If you lose your driver’s license, a passport will get you on the plane. Always travel with a copy of your passport.

Bridget focuses on staying healthy, and sleeping, while traveling. She is careful what she eats in the evenings before she gets on overnight flights. She wants to board well-rested. She cuts caffeine, sugar, and carbs, and she drinks green juice.

Andy exercises everyday, even when traveling, because it helps him with jet lag and the tendency to nod off. If Bridget gets drowsy, she takes a walk instead of getting coffee.

11:35 Bridget has certain things that are always packed, such as workout clothes and shoes, toiletry and makeup bags, and a little OTC “medicine cabinet.” Preparation reduces stress. Use miles to upgrade if you can. Bridget uses United for perks.
15:02 Bridget relaxes on her flight. She reads, watches a movie, or sleeps, but she doesn’t work. She wants to minimize her stress. She will take a sleep aid, wear earplugs, a sleep mask, and dress warmly to sleep on a plane.
United and American have announced no more overhead bin storage of carry-ons for economy flights. Plans may go wrong. Try breathing exercises and a little meditation while traveling. There will always be things beyond your control. Try to relax.
Bridget will have meetings all day when she travels, and then face a day’s worth of email and notifications after. She has to guard her time and energy, and get enough sleep, to face important prospects and customers. Some things have to wait.

Andy remembers traveling overseas with no email. If people needed him they sent a fax. Now people are connected 24 hours a day. Set aside time for your needs.

Take a photocopy of your passport, or a picture of it on your phone, in case the passport gets lost. Travel is exhausting, but experiencing new places, even for business, is invaluable.
Meditation and mindfulness are great tools you need to use while traveling. You are at the whims of the airline.