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How Sales Leaders Should Structure Their Days to Maximize Their Effectiveness w/ Bridget Gleason [Episode 75]

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My regular guest on Front Line Friday is Bridget Gleason, VP of Corporate Sales for SumoLogic. In this episode, Bridget discusses how she, as a sales leader at a high growth tech company, allocates and uses her time during a typical work day. She shares how allocates time in her day to preparation, managing sales, coaching her team, selling, recruiting, planning, learning and just having time to herself to think. Included among the topics we discuss in this conversation are:

  • The type of data you need to manage and coach in real-time
  • The regular meetings you need to have and how they should be structured for maximum effectiveness and productivity.
  • The difference between managing your sales process and managing sales
  • The appropriate planning horizon for sales and how much time should be invested in planning.
  • How to use structured office hours to improve team communication

If you’re a sales leader or sales manager, then you need to make sure you listen to this episode!