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From Crazy to Caring. Why Bosses Matter. With Bridget Gleason [Episode 502]

Bridget Gleason is VP of Sales for Logz.io and my regular partner on Front Line Fridays.


Bridget admits there are sometimes clouds in her life, and it just takes more effort to see through them to the sunshine. She will give a heads up to her staff if she is having a bad day.

Bridget is not a fist-pounder. She says there is never any question about her mood, because her face says it all. Bridget does not get to anger very often, and it’s not pretty when she does. She is not a rager, but has worked for one; it was hard.

Andy tells a raging president story. The petty, vindictive behavior motivated Andy to go abroad on a sales trip for every staff meeting. When he was told his presence would be required, he was soon out the door, selling at another firm.

The raging president had VPs who were crazily loyal to him, in spite of receiving his abuse. Bridget notes that ragers can be amazing individuals, who haven’t learned how to master their emotions. It’s hard to do your best for a rager.

One startup Andy worked for early had an insane CEO. After about a month, his crazy rages drove Andy away. Bridget finds that anger as a technique is not uncommon. Most of Andy’s bosses have been quiet, direct, and exemplary.

One of Andy’s first managers saw Andy having a slump. The manager spent a day making sales calls with him. It helped turn the tide for Andy, and he remembers it like yesterday. Bridget describes coaching methods of her CEO.

Send your boss stories to Andy! Andy worked for one CEO for three years. The CEO never defined the comp plan at the beginning of the year, but paid them well and fairly. The team was motivated by trust. Bridget sees trust at Logz.io.

Andy had a boss who became his mentor. Andy tells a remarkable hiring story. There was immediate trust in the relationship. Andy learned to ‘stay ahead of the boss.’ Bridget aspires to be a memorable mentor and puts her people first.

Andy sees the most successful people in sales are fortunate to work for really good managers, who care about them, put their interests first, and help them achieve what they want to achieve.