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Be Obsessed With Serving and Learning, with Grant Cardone [Episode 585]

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Grant Cardone, speaker, CEO of Cardone Enterprises, and bestselling author of several books, including, Be Obsessed Or Be Average, joins me on this episode.

If you like this episode, tune-in to hear Ryan Stewman: Overcoming Adversity And Building Net Worth.

Key Takeaways

  • Grant says the single biggest challenge facing sales reps today is that they don’t think big enough. Don’t think about a quota, think about making some money that does more than paying your bills. Grant calls $400K warmup money. Think big!
  • Grant compares a low financial goal to being in prison. He talks about a sales rep working for Cardone Enterprises who will make seven figures. Grant wants sales professionals to think how much money it takes to have freedom.
  • Grant asserts that you need to get to $400-$500K a year to have financial freedom. Figure out how to do it where you are or go someplace else. The average real estate person can’t buy the house they’re showing.
  • Andy sees passivity in sales, where salespeople are not committed to doing more, or being obsessed about earning a certain level of money. Grant says before teaching people how to sell, teach them how much money they’ll need to have.
  • 75% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. We should feel like we are living under threat in that circumstance. People say they’re in good shape until there is a crisis.
  • Obsession is a scary concept because it implies doing more, and of life being out of balance. For Grant, Obsession is a means to achieve balance. Children think big, and Grant wants adults to do it, too. All great people are obsessed.
  • People have become spectators rather than players. Be on the field. The game is played on the field. Grant is obsessed with serving others. Addictions are misguided obsessions.
  • Andy recommends changing the education about money. Grant says a 15-year-old who knows how to make money, and much money they need to earn will figure out that to make that much money they will need to be in sales.
  • Grant recently talked with rapper DJ Carnage. They talked about making money, keeping it, and multiplying it. Grant suggests after taxes and expenses you should have 40% left to multiply. Don’t have someone else control it for you.
  • Managers are obsessed with KPIs because they’re not in control. People are on defense when they’re not on offense. The salespeople should be making more than managers.
  • Grant gives his theories on the future of B2B sales. If you’re average, you should be feeling like T-Rex. You had better become great. Focus on kicking up your activity by 10X. Then get away from everyone that contradicts that message.
  • Grant teaches a much tighter sales process. Don’t spend more time with the customer, but use a transparent, short sales process. Grant explains the sales model he uses.