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Wake the Dead: 5 Ways to Save Your Deals From the Zombies

What should you do when a prospect goes dark?

Prospects just disappear sometimes. Whether they’re considering a competitor or starting a zombie rebellion, they can go dark for any number of reasons.

It’s often impossible to know for sure why a prospect has gone silent, but the why is less important here than the how. How can you wake the dead, and get them engaged in the buying process again? We have five tried and true strategies that our own sales team has used successfully to bring deals back to life.

In Wake the Dead: 5 Ways to Save Your Deals From the Zombies, you'll get info on:

  • The info hiding in your sales calls that holds the key to re-engaging your prospects

  • Fun gift ideas to restart the conversation

  • A sequence designed especially to get negotiations going again

  • And other ways to make sure zombies don't derail your deals