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Equity Trust Doubles the Manager to Rep Ratio and Reviews 6x More Calls


  • Sales managers review 6x more calls with Revenue.io
  • The number of reps sales managers could comfortably manage doubled from 6 to 12
  • They quantified the cost of common objections with Conversation AI
  • Reps and SDRs felt supported and attrition fell to zero


Reps at Equity Trust had anecdotal evidence that a lack of certain competitive features were causing them to lose deals, but they didn’t know the true business impact. When they went to leadership to ask if they could get the features added, they received a sympathetic response, but were also told that they would need hard data to show the competitive value before putting the capabilities on the product roadmap.

While the sales team wanted to figure out the opportunity cost of not having particular features, they didn’t have any way to measure how it was hurting them in competitive deals. They wanted to scan calls for mentions of the feature, but with their previous telephony setup, they couldn’t search recordings for keywords, product names, common objections, or reasons for deal losses.

Auditing calls was too difficult and resource-intensive, so their sales team not only lacked the insights to suggest business changes, but they also couldn’t improve training or benefit from calls in any other way.


Equity Trust chose to purchase Revenue.io as their main telephony solution, in partnership with Conversation AI to help them solve their business issues. One of the key features of Conversation AI is the ability to automatically surface common business objections, making it easy to identify and assess critical business patterns. Revenue.io also tags and groups calls based on keywords, making it easier for managers to prioritize which calls they review.


Conversation AI surfaced critical moments across all calls, enabling Equity Trust to review 6x more calls than before and improve rep support and retention. Where previously a single call could have taken half an hour to review, now each call could be fully reviewed in only a few minutes. Due to this, they were able to raise their management ratio from one sales manager for six reps to one manager for twelve. And since purchasing Conversation AI, Equity Trust hasn’t suffered any SDR attrition.

Conversation AI also helped them to gain quantifiable metrics and attach dollar values to objections on calls. From this, they received the evidence they needed to calculate the opportunity cost of features and show leadership the data they needed to inform product development.

Equity Trust Company is a financial services company that enables individual investors, financial professionals and institutions to diversify investment portfolios through alternative asset classes, including real estate, tax liens, private equity and precious metals.

“It would’ve taken 90 days for our sales team to audit calls on their own. With Conversation AI, it only took us a day to get the data we needed.”

Christopher Casa, Senior Manager, Sales Enablement at Equity Trust