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Why Inside Sales Reps Need Lead Activity Desktop Notifications

Revenue Blog  > Why Inside Sales Reps Need Lead Activity Desktop Notifications
2 min readMay 22, 2020

Desktop notifications  are an absolute productivity killer for 99% of people on this planet, and the same is true for about half of sales reps. But for certain types of reps – namely lead qualification reps and account executives – desktop notifications can be a GODSEND.

Why? Because desktop notifications can be one of the most powerful ways to prioritize inbound sales leads and opportunities.

live-prospect-monitoring_No_Client_Info1In this post, I’ll discuss the benefits of desktop notifications for inside sales. I’ll also discuss which reps can profit most by real-time lead notifications.

What Are Desktop Notifications for Sales?

Many sales acceleration and marketing automation platforms offer desktop notification functionality. The idea is to give reps a view of prospects’ activities in real time. Reps can see exactly when a prospect engages in a potentially important activity. Some of these activities might include:

  • Downloading an eBook
  • Filling out a form
  • Reading an email
  • Clicking on a link/button
  • Viewing pricing
  • Engaging on social

The Benefit of Desktop Notifications

The real benefit of desktop notifications for sales is timing. The right pitch at the wrong time isn’t going to close you any deals. By reaching out to a prospect when they’re seriously considering a change, you’re liable to win more deals. When prospects engage with your marketing materials or read an email, it gives salespeople a viable reason to make contact (e.g. “I noticed you just downloaded our eBook and I wanted to reach out to see if I can offer you any help.”)

Which Reps Should Avoid Desktop Notifications?

I’ll admit right now that I have a love/hate relationship with desktop notifications. As a marketer, I love to know when prospects are downloading content or filling out forms. But I’ve also noticed that this can send me down rabbit holes that can, at times, distract me from higher priority tasks. Similarly, I think that pure-play-outbound reps should consider avoiding desktop notifications. Successful prospecting often comes down to process – into your groove and staying there.

Also, sales development reps tend to work best when they’re hyper-focused on working down a prioritized list. Desktop notifications can send them down rabbit holes that can hurt productivity.

Which Sales Reps Should Use Desktop Notifications?

Lead Qualification Reps

Reps tasked with qualifying inbound leads from marketing channels can benefit greatly from desktop notifications. It can help them do a far better job of connecting with inbound leads during crucial windows.

Account Executives

Desktop notifications can also be helpful for account executives. Reaching out to prospects right after they read an email or download content can help account executives shorten protracted B2B sales cycles.

For more on desktop notifications and other vital sales prospecting tactics, be sure to watch our webinar The B2B Prospecting Code on demand.