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The 6 Best Cold Sales Email Templates to Book More Meetings

Revenue Blog  > The 6 Best Cold Sales Email Templates to Book More Meetings
7 min readSeptember 28, 2020

Cold Emails are Essential To Sales

Cold emails and sales go together like peanut butter and jelly. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to have one without the other. Cold emails serve as an excellent starting point for any sales process, and can make a great introduction that gets any deal started in the right direction.

As a rep, there is a certain balance that must be hit when sending cold emails. Emails are most effective when heavily personalized and address each individual prospect’s situation specifically. Unfortunately, those emails are time consuming and completely unscaleable. On the other hand, mass emails with no customization, no specifics, and no value scale well, but do not address recipients in any sort of personalized manner, leaving them ineffective.

That is why many salespeople rely on templates, versions of emails that have a history of success. But unfortunately, those have a drawback too. Far too many reps just send the same old standard template email to each and every one of their prospects. Many even just use the same email template as other reps, meaning there are thousands of prospects across all different industries, in all different companies, receiving the exact same emails.

This reduces the email’s effectiveness and sends your message straight to the bottom of the bucket with all the other templates, if not the spam folder altogether. Email templates are still the key to effective mass email outreach, but they must be used properly.

How to Really Use Cold Email Templates

Email templates are absolutely required, especially in the initial stages of the sales process when outreach to a massive number of prospects in a highly efficient and rapid manner is necessary.

The best way to use cold email templates is to customize them as much as possible, while still retaining their efficiency. This means that there is no true one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to your cold emails, but the tradeoff is that your emails will be more effective, get more opens, and more responses, netting you more engaged prospects and likely more deals and more revenue.

Depending on how and where you sourced the prospects that you are emailing, you should use a cold email template that is specifically targeted to them, so use a different template for each different source.

You should also customize the templates with auto-fill fields to make them feel as personalized as possible. Also, regardless of where you source them from, whether it be from an internal best-practices library, another rep, a website, or a group, you should always take time to customize your own template to make it uniquely yours. This will ensure that your prospects haven’t already seen the template, and help get past spam filters.

Ultimately, the key to driving success with cold emails is to always provide value first. When you reach out to a stranger, focus on providing them with value. This not only helps break the ice, but it shows that you are serious about helping them, and are capable of solving their problems. It is also this mindset of giving before receiving that can help break down the walls leads put up in front of sales reps
Be sure to Segment

When using cold email templates, one of the best ways to increase personalization and retain your scalability is to segment your recipients. You should break your audience into similar groups, whether it be by company, industry, job title, company size, etc. That way, instead of one large email send with minimum to moderate success, you can send 3-4 smaller email blasts to the same list, and increase your chances of receiving more replies.

Target your segments according to their specific needs, products, and how you can provide value to them.

Mix in Other Methods

Email and Phone Call

Long gone are the days where just an email was enough to get in touch with a new prospect. Very rarely will leads respond to your first email, especially if they are unfamiliar with you or your company.

To send effective cold emails sequences today, you have to use other methods in conjunction with your email outreach to increase familiarity, generate interest, and create a connection. Two of the most common methods are phone calls and social media outreach.

A cold call immediately followed by a cold email is an excellent cadence to reach new prospects with. Cold calls are rarely answered, and messages can easily be dismissed, but reps can use a call and message to get attention, then deliver a valuable and attention getting message via an email to successfully pique the interest of a lead.

Email after an Event

It may not be a completely “cold” outreach method, but just consider this one defrosted, rather than totally frozen. Many reps see a lot of success when they email two different group after they attend and event, conference, or the like, whether it be in-person or virtual.

The first group consists of those who actually visited their booth at the conference, but maybe did not have any “meaningful” interactions. Hence, the cold outreach. The second group is those who attended the conference, but did not visit the booth. This is a great opportunity for a “we missed you email” that contains a special offer.

Special Gifts

Another great way to augment cold emails is with traditional mail! Especially in a completely cold outreach, a personalized gift is an excellent way to break the ice before an email or a cold call. Companies like Sendoso allow their clients to scale personalized gifts and and can drive massive success.

The Best Cold Email Templates

Current Events Email

This email template leverages a recent news mention or big announcement the company has made to open the door and start the conversation. It also includes a piece of content to provide value and prove that you are worth the time.

Hi {{NAME}},

I just saw that {{COMPANY NAME}} was in the news about {{SPECIAL EVENT}}! That is so exciting, congratulations from everyone here at {{YOUR COMPANY NAME}}.

Typically when companies (and our clients) {{SPECIAL EVENT}}, {{YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION}} suddenly becomes very important.

Therefore, I’d love to offer our services to help you {{WHAT YOUR COMPANY DOES}}. I’ve also attached {{RELEVANT AND USEFUL PIECE OF CONTENT}} to get you started.

Do you have 15 minutes to chat this week?



Honest Cold Email Template

This email is open and honest up front about the fact that it’s a cold outreach, which helps to associate with the lead at their level. It also suggests that it can be a collaborative and helpful partnership.

Hi {{NAME}}

No, we have never met. But, I wanted to reach out because I feel that we may have something in common.

Are you {{YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION}}? Many are, and luckily I have an interest in the exact same thing. It is something I am very passionate about and why I work at {{YOUR COMPANY NAME}}. {{COMPANY NAME}} has had years of success in {{VALUE PROP}} when partnering with companies like {{LEAD’S COMPETING COMPANIES}}.

Do you have 15 minutes this week to discuss how we can help?



Event Follow Up

As mentioned before, events and/or conferences are great conversation starters that significantly increase the success of a cold email because of the familiarity that they create.

If they visited your booth

Hi {{NAME}}

Thanks again for stopping by our booth at {{EVENT NAME}}, it was great to have you there! I know we didn’t get a chance to chat much but I wanted to catch up with you to go over how we could help you and {{COMPANY NAME}} {{VALUE PROPOSITION}}.

I know you are probably settling back down in the office, but do you have 15 minutes later this week to link back up?

Talk soon!


If they did not visit your booth

Hi {{NAME}}

Did you enjoy your time at {{EVENT NAME}}? We sure did but we missed you at the

We had a lot of great conversations about how we can {{YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION}} for companies like {{COMPANY NAME}}, and I would love to hear your thoughts about the value that we provide and how we could work together.

Attached is a short video about {{YOUR COMPANY NAME}} and our products.

It would be great if we could grab 15 minutes to chat this week.

Thank you,


Cold Email in Conjunction with a Phone Call

Emails and cold calls together are a great way to capture attention and get your message across. Its best to tie a phone call, voice message, and email together all around the same topic to ensure all channels are covered.

Hi {{NAME}},

I just called you a few minutes ago to see if {{COMPANY NAME}} would be interested in help with {{YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION}}. Companies like {{COMPETITOR NAMES}} haven been able to {{VALUE PROP}} with {{YOUR COMPANY NAME}} and I’d love to help you as well.

Attached is a guide to {{RELEVANT TOP OF FUNNEL CONTENT}} that I hope you find useful. Please let me know what you think!

Do you have time to chat sometime this week?



Exciting News From Your Company

Hi {{NAME}}

Did you hear the news? {{YOUR COMPANY NAME}} just {{YOUR NEWS}}! You’re probably thinking… “Why should I care?”

This means that {{YOUR VALUE PROPOSITION}} is now available for companies like {{COMPANY NAME}} can now {{VALUE PROP}}!

It would be great to hear your thoughts and even explore how his would fit with {{COMPANY NAME}}. Do you have 15 minutes this week?



Valuable Content

This email template is most effective when used with a follow up asking about the piece of content and providing the value proposition of your company or products.

Hi {{NAME}}

Have you read {{VALUABLE, RELEVANT PIECE OF CONTENT}} yet? It’s an excellent eBook on how companies can {{CONTENT TOPIC}}, and I just wanted to make sure you have it.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!
