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How to Make Your Sales Team More Productive Than 84% of Your Competition

Revenue Blog  > How to Make Your Sales Team More Productive Than 84% of Your Competition
3 min readNovember 20, 2020

Expect a barrage of companies to begin investing in apps that increase sales reps’ and call center agents’ productivity! The latest data from Bluewolf’s extensive annual State of Salesforce report indicates that the future for these apps is “On Fire.” Things are just getting started, with only 16% of companies have adopted apps from App Exchanged designed to increase agent productivity. Tweet this Stat!

So what does this mean? It means that there’s a powerful opportunity now to get ahead of the curve and gain an advantage over those 84% of companies that have yet to take measures to make reps more productive in Salesforce.

Here at Revenue.io, improving reps’ productivity has always been one of our core missions. Here are 4 ways Revenue.io makes your agents more productive:

Virtually Eliminate Manual Data Logging After Calls

We knew that reps were tired of logging call data in Salesforce.  Yet managers need a permanent record of call metrics and call outcomes in order to help coach their sales teams to success. Revenue.io gives managers real-time insight into every reps’ activities while minimizing the manual data that reps need to enter into Salesforce. The result is that reps can spend less time on frustrating administrative tasks and  more time following up with leads, prospecting for hot opportunities and closing deals.

Increase Reps’ Dialing Velocity with Click-to-Call

Another way that we’re helping our customers to be more productive is by enabling them to dial down lists of leads without having to leave Salesforce. Just create a view in Salesforce listing reps’ target leads. Then, when a rep starts work in the morning, they can dial down prioritized lead lists directly from Salesforce (where they are spending their time anyway). This enables reps to dial far more leads and, as a result, have more sales conversations each day.

Minimize Research Time

One click on any lead in Salesforce launches our dialer, which delivers contextual data about that prospect into a single view, minimizing the time that reps spend researching prospects prior before dialing. In one single view, reps can check out prospects’ social media feeds as well as view contact history data and prior purchase data from Salesforce.

Improve Productivity with Real-Time Dashboards

In science, there’s something called the observer effect, which states that the very  act of observing a phenomenon changes the phenomenon being observed. Similarly, in psychology, individuals’ behavior is altered when they know they are being observed. Thus, when it comes to inside sales, the mere act of tracking reps’ activity metrics such as calls per hour by rep or conversations per day, can have a positive effect on those activities. When reps know that their call activities are being logged, they will often be more productive as a result. However, make certain reps know that the whole reason you’re tracking their activities is to help them be more successful. Metrics-based sales coaching should always be framed as a win-win for reps and managers. Revenue.io’s dashboards give you the tools to coach your team to be more productive by not only seeing which activities reps are engaged in, but also what the outcome of those activities are.

Interested in learning more about boosting your sales team’s productivity? Our latest eBook will help you build dashboards that can improve your entire inside sales team’s productivity and performance.