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Built In Honors Revenue in Its Esteemed 2021 Best Places to Work Awards

Revenue Blog  > Built In Honors Revenue in Its Esteemed 2021 Best Places to Work Awards
1 min readJanuary 7, 2021

Built In today announced that Revenue.io was honored in its 2021 Best Places to Work Awards. Specifically, Revenue.io was named one of the Best Midsize Companies to Work For in Los Angeles. The annual awards include companies of all sizes, from startups to the enterprise, nationally and in the eight largest tech markets.

Built In determines winners for Best Places to Work based on an algorithm, using company data about compensation, benefits and cultural programs. To reflect the attributes candidates are searching for on Built In today, this year’s program weighted criteria more heavily, like remote opportunities and programs for diversity, equity and inclusion.

“These companies raise the bar for cultural excellence and the ability to adapt to meet changing needs of employees,” says Sheridan Orr, Chief Marketing Officer, Built In. “The 2021 winners show a commitment not just to creating meaningful cultures but to delivering talent needs as they change in a dynamic landscape. We’re thrilled to extend our congratulations to the winners.”
