Each day, we here at Revenue.io get to work with true sales heroes, ranging from the front line reps to global executives. One of my favorites are those sales leaders that are focused on sales enablement, defined as having to do with the processes, content, technologies and tools that improve the performance and productivity of the sales organization. The bottom line is that sales enablement – often called sales operations – help sales reps focus on what they do best: selling?
Accordingly, I’m excited about our new eBook, How to Create a Culture of Sales Enablement, which distills lessons learned from a handful of great companies, resulting in actionable takeaways that can impact sales teams’ ability to close more deals.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes from the eBook, which should be sufficient motivation for anyone looking to get more serious about reducing sales chokepoints: “No one wants to answer to a board on the reasons for the highs and the reasons for lows. We looked at sales enablement as a way to make our revenue reporting to our board and our investors rather anti-climatic and predictable.” – Will Rideout, VP of Sales for Phreesia