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Need to Understand The Impact of AI on Sales Conversations? Five New Revenue.io Insights Can Help

Revenue Blog  > Need to Understand The Impact of AI on Sales Conversations? Five New Revenue.io Insights Can Help
3 min readMay 3, 2023

Top-performing sales reps are using AI-powered conversation guidance to have more successful conversations with buyers and customers. During live conversation guidance, reps more easily overcome sales objections, remember to ask the right questions, disclose the right compliance messages, use the right content and more.

Live conversation guidance is helping reps achieve higher quota attainment and grow more pipeline from calls, but managers are always looking for more ways to understand precisely how AI guidance is helping their team.

Revenue.io just delivered a set of new reports that provide sales leaders with a deep understanding of how AI is improving conversation performance, whether reps are adhering to the training, how often recommended content is being used, and the impact of calls to outcomes.

1) Notification Frequency

Notifications are reminders and recommendations that guide reps during conversations. For certain kinds of notifications, such as a reminder to ask a specific qualification question, measuring a decrease in notifications can indicate that the rep is making progress and may no longer need guidance.

Meanwhile, notifications based on sales objections also help managers understand how often reps are encountering specific sales objections, which can help guide coaching and strategy. As always, the possibilities are endless thanks to a long list of guidance use cases that can be tailored to specific roles, buying stages and other scenarios.

2) Adherence to Checklists

Checklists provide reps with an actionable reminder of best practices to apply in real-time, such as critical messaging to say, or items to accomplish over the course of a live conversation. Revenue.io now enables managers to view how often reps are adhering to checklist guidance. The findings can confirm whether checklists are really useful or need modification, or surface the need for additional rep coaching.

3) Interaction with Content Links

Unlike traditional sales enablement solutions that require reps to search for content they need, Revenue.io recommends content based on the contest of live conversations, ensuring that reps have what they need at the exact moment they need it. Measuring interactions with content links can help managers measure how useful the content recommendations are and whether they are being used by reps in critical moments.

4) Call Outcomes

How is live guidance impacting the outcome of calls? Revenue.io offers numerous ways to measure call outcomes, including call dispositions, sales leaderboards and more. This latest development specifically focuses on the impact of live conversation guidance to outcomes, and it’s one that managers will soon learn to rely on.

5) Notification Interactions

Knowing how a rep interacts with a notification is key to knowing if it is successful when triggered in a conversation. Is the real-time guidance being adhered to or is the rep checking off the notification manually without completing? The interactions report tells managers how notifications are completed (manually or checked off with Moments real-time AI) and by which reps.

These reports are just the latest example of how AI is changing the game. By delivering more insight into the outcomes of real-time guidance, Revenue.io is helping reps have better conversations with buyers and customers, leading to better outcomes and more closed deals.

Not yet using live conversation guidance? We’d love to show you what it can do for you.

Learn how How Conversation Intelligence For Sales Works With CRMs
