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Introducing Moments™ Conversation Etiquette, a powerful new way to improve rep performance in 30 days

Revenue Blog  > Introducing Moments™ Conversation Etiquette, a powerful new way to improve rep performance in 30 days
2 min readJuly 13, 2022

Reps often have just one shot at making a great first impression with a prospect, so making a good one is critical. But the research shows that 90% of training and coaching is forgotten in 30 days. That’s where Moments™ by Revenue.io comes in, allowing managers to teach something once and then scale that training across every call, enabling reps in real-time during conversations. 

For example, a prospect mentions one of your competitors or asks about updated pricing on a call, and a rep isn’t sure how to respond. With Moments, there’s no need for them to start scrambling for an answer. When a competitor’s name or a pricing question is asked, Moments will automatically trigger a notification on a rep’s screen, offering real-time assistance with relevant talking points so they can respond confidently and keep the conversation moving forward.

But sometimes it’s not WHAT reps are saying, but HOW they are saying it.

Strong communication skills and relationship building are critical in sales, and managers always look for ways to turn reps into expert communicators. That’s why we created Conversation Etiquette. 

We all know certain speech behaviors can impact sales calls negatively. Whether talking too fast, not listening as much as they should, or interrupting too many times, multiple speech behaviors can negatively impact a prospect’s or customer’s experience. 

By analyzing and understanding the best and worst behaviors, we’ve identified benchmarks across common speech behavior categories, including Talk Rate, Monologue Length, and Interruption Rate, addressing questions like

  • What conversational behaviors appear to achieve better sales outcomes? 
  • What negative behaviors can be corrected and reinforced to help reps and companies drive more revenue? 

With Moments and the addition of conversation etiquette notifications, managers can more easily know where to scale their coaching, improve conversation behavior in real-time and help Reps start to close deals sooner.

Conversation Etiquette Tip: Moments allows for customization and targeting, including the ability to disable and enable specific teams to facilitate the best results across your organization. 

The Results? Rep behaviors improved up to 22% in 30 days. 

Research conducted by Revenue.io’s Conversation Science Team found that after implementing real-time etiquette notifications, Rep conversational behaviors improved as much as 22% in 30 days immediately following activation. And with Moments’ advanced analytics and reporting on conversation etiquette notifications, managers can now:

  • Offer real-time communication coaching for better conversations
  • Streamline training to increase ramp times
  • Help newer reps with conversation best practices
  • Identify trends and skill-building opportunities

Interested in learning more about Conversation Etiquette for your team? Current customers can contact their customer success manager, and new customers can engage with our live agents at Revenue.io

Learn more about Moments and Get Moments Here