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How Sell Like a Marketer and Win More Deals

Revenue Blog  > How Sell Like a Marketer and Win More Deals
2 min readMarch 3, 2020

inside sales softwareB2B sales organizations are evolving in interesting ways. They’re becoming more customer-centric in their approach to sales and are embracing new technological solutions to increase productivity. But one of my favorite changes that I’m noticing is that Sales and Marketing teams are increasingly collaborating to transform leads into valued customers.

Salesforce just put out a fantastic list of 130 sales tips. Inside, they devoted an entire section to ways that sales reps should utilize social, content and other so-called “marketing” tactics to win more deals.

Here are 8 Tweet-worthy quotes from our CEO Howard Brown and other top experts featured in Salesforce’s great eBook.

8 Tweetable Quotes from Trusted Sales Experts

1. “Leverage the power of blogging, podcasting, speaking and email marketing to position yourself as the expert in your field.”
-Tom Martin
Founder, Converse Digital

2. “Being a source of information makes the savvy sales professional a trusted partner in the buying process.”
-Mike Derezin
VP Sales Solutions, LinkedIn

3. “Don’t lose customers by underutilizing social media. Be active, engaging, and helpful to meet new clients and close more sales.”
-Stephanie Onken
Marketing Coordinator, The Hayzlett Group

4. “All selling is social. Always has been. Always will be.” 
-Keith Baird
Director of Social Media Intelligence, Nimble Media

5. “Do your research. Reach out on channels where are most active; engage on topics most relevant to them.”
-Mia Dand
CEO, Lighthouse3

6. “Follow your top 25 target accounts on Facebook and Twitter, and set them up on Google Alerts or other similar tools to keep up to date on what is happening with them.”
-John Barrows
Sales Trainer

7. “Integrate social “touches” into your prospecting cadence.”
-Emmanuelle Skala
VP Sales, Influitive

8. “Sales teams should partner with marketing on a regular basis to identify their most valuable customer profiles, then identify a solution that will push the best leads at the top of the lead response queue.”
-Howard Brown
CEO, Revenue.io