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How to Provide Value on Every Sales Call and Close More Deals

Revenue Blog  > How to Provide Value on Every Sales Call and Close More Deals
3 min readAugust 1, 2020

All business people face increasing demands for time. Naturally, that means the people you are selling to don’t always want to be on the phone with you. However, if you can guarantee an enjoyable interaction each and every time you speak with your prospects, they will want to spend more and more time with you.

CSO Insights found 43% of buyers prefer industry or third-party subject matter experts versus 23% who prefer vendor salespeople. The study also found that buyers valued three things:

  1. New ideas for taking their buying process forward
  2. Help to shape a new vision for their success
  3. New ways to meet their goals

You can ensure buyers enjoy spending time with you by providing value on every sales call. Here’s how.

Become an expert

Don’t waste your prospects’ time. Learn everything you can about their industries, day-to-day work, and the challenges they face. Then, take it a step further and current on the industries and job titles of your ideal prospects. You’ll be aware of industry changes and their implications.

Don’t stop your learning there. Do everything you can to become an expert on your product or service. When you know it intimately, you’ll be better prepared to guide prospects to the best solution.

A command of this knowledge, as well as current events, gives prospects and customers more confidence in you. Plus it makes them want to speak with you. They may even seek your advice and guidance once they see how much you know.

Do research before every call

Don’t skip the research before your calls. The more up-to-date and prepared you are, the more meaningful your conversations will be. Check to see if their company has been in the news since you last spoke. Look at your contact(s) social media accounts. And, of course, keep up with what’s happening in their industries. You’ll be better prepared to personalize your interactions, making prospects more comfortable with you so they openly discuss their challenges and concerns.

Listen and learn

If you’re going to provide the type of value that prospects are seeking, you must not only ask open-ended questions but also listen intently. This allows you to learn about your potential customers’ needs, concerns, and challenges from their perspective. And, when you’ve taken the time to become the knowledgeable expert, as well as done sufficient pre-call research, you’ll be prepared to dig deeper. This increases their level of trust in you while developing a deeper relationship.

Help them see more clearly

When you listen carefully and prepare properly, discovery calls will become a conversation where you help prospects clarify their vision. As a result, they gain a new perspective on their needs and how to go about solving them. This also puts you in a better position to understand what additional information they need to guide their buying decision. And, isn’t that what they really want?

Be the resource they seek

Armed with a deeper understanding of what prospects are struggling with, provide them with the insights, information, tips, and guidance they desire. You are in a position to offer them content, suggestions and solutions that truly address their needs throughout their buying journey. Plus, you become the sales rep whose input they request and listen to since you put in the effort to earn their trust and respect.

Become the trusted resource prospects seek by providing value on every sales call. Making the extra effort to do so keeps you engaged with prospective buyers throughout the sales process and helps you win more happy customers.