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How to Have More Smashingly Successful Sales Calls Using Personalization

Revenue Blog  > How to Have More Smashingly Successful Sales Calls Using Personalization
3 min readJuly 26, 2020

When you’re reaching out to new prospects via telephone, there is little room for error. You only have, at most, a minute to convince a prospect to stay on the phone. So how can you get prospects to not only stay on the phone, but engage them enough to convert them into buyers? The answer is that calls, like emails, should be highly personalized and tailored to prospects.

In our recent eBook, we asked sales experts to reveal tips that can help turn more of your sales calls into smashing successes.

Adopt the “What’s In It For Them” Mindset

The personalization of a sales call starts before the dial. It begins with your mindset and preparation. Even if you make 75 dials a day, the person on the other line doesn’t care. If you are interrupting them or asking them for their time, you better be ready to engage WITH them.

Ensure your minutes with the prospect are relevant to them and interesting for them with effective preparation. The level of your preparation directly links to their level of interest in what you have to say or offer.
Nancy Bleeke


Prepare a What’s in it For Them? mindset so that anything that comes out of your mouth is connected to them. Prepare to seek a conversation with that person on the other end of the phone versus the “call” your competitors are making to this same person. Prepare how you will initiate the conversation. Then, quickly convey why the conversation will be worth their time. And finally, prepare and remove all your distractions so, from the first nano-second on, the conversation is completely focused on them (and how what you offer will benefit them).


-Nancy Bleeke
President and Chief Sales Officer, Sales Pro Insider

Use the Right Message at the Right Time

Peter Mollins

Reaching out with the right message isn’t enough, you also have to reach out at the right time. Prioritize those leads most likely to engage. How do you do that? By reaching out when they’re experiencing pain. If I’m thinking about the current pain, then you’d better be ready to call me right away, before the window closes. Understand the signals that indicate a change in my priorities — a security gap, a missed quarter or a new hire. Then, when you know the signals that matter, you can predict which prospects to prioritize, and know what to tell them.


-Peter Mollins
VP, KnowledgeTree

Always Have a Reason for Calling



There should always be a reason for reaching out. How has a prospect interacted with your brand, product or online content? Maybe they attended a conference or have a mutual contact. Our data shows that if you can mention the reason for your call in the first 20 seconds, there is a 36% higher chance of having a real conversation (which we define as lasting longer than two minutes). So focus on why you’re calling and what value you can bring to that conversation, and be sure to get to it in the first 20 seconds.


-Howard Brown
Founder and CEO, Revenue.io


For more B2B personalization tips from top sales experts, look no further than our latest free eBook!