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How to analyze sales conversations, with CEO Howard Brown and Andy Paul

Revenue Blog  > How to analyze sales conversations, with CEO Howard Brown and Andy Paul
1 min readJanuary 14, 2020

Any type of conversation may seem highly organic, non-standard, unpredictable, and highly immeasurable. However, there are actually ways to measure, analyze, and ultimately extract actionable outcomes from conversations.

Scientists are able to analyze conversations to learn more about human habits, and therapists help individuals communicate so they can build better relationships. Both of these uses have always occurred in controlled, one-on-one environments conducive to the labor-intensive nature of conversation analysis.

Now, with the advent of AI, conversational analysis has become a high-speed, scalable tool that organizations can use to increase human performance across massive amounts of people. A cutting-edge conversational sales platform uses real-time AI to vastly improve conversations.

In for sales teams, Revenue.io’s ConversationAI can tie deal outcomes and revenue growth with specific conversational habits and actively help sales coaches and managers surface points of improvement within their reps’ sales conversations to drive organizational success.

Howard Brown joined Andy Paul on the Accelerate! podcast to cover exactly how you can measure a sales conversation and what you can do to improve it.

Listen to the full episode here.
