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How Effective is Local Presence Dialing? Local Presence Study by Software Advice

Revenue Blog  > How Effective is Local Presence Dialing? Local Presence Study by Software Advice
2 min readJanuary 8, 2020

I can’t count the times that I’ve heard our customers raving about Local Presence. Local Presence dialing, a feature of our Intelligent Dialer for Salesforce, makes it seem as though calls are coming from local numbers even when they aren’t. By turning on Local Presence, prospects automatically see a local area number in their Caller ID. From speaking to our customers, we know that far more prospects will answer calls from local area numbers. This can have a dramatic effect on sales ROI, since it enables sales reps to have more conversations each day.

How Effective is Local Presence?

So how many more conversations can sales reps expect to have by using Local Presence dialing? Well according to a 2014 independent study by technology researcher Software Advice, prospects are nearly four times more likely to answer calls from local numbers. According to the study, which surveyed 2,310 randomly selected Internet users within the United States, only 7% of the people surveyed said that they are likely to answer a toll-free or unknown number. But that number catapults to 27.5% when the unknown caller dials from a number with a local area code!

Local Presence Comparison

From Software Advice

Accelerate Sales and Gain a Powerful Competitive Advantage

Software Advice’s numbers definitely echo what we’ve been hearing from our customers, several of whom have described the effect of Local Presence dialing to work “like magic.” Local Presence is just one fantastic example a sales acceleration tool that can give inside sales reps a competitive advantage. Think about it, if your competitors are using Local Presence dialing and your outbound sales team isn’t, they may be connecting with 400% more key decision makers that your reps.

There’s a saying I’ve heard in sales that goes, “the first one in wins.” If you can reach out to your customers before your competitors do you have a much better chance of closing the deal. Local Presence can enable your sales team to do a far better job of initiating those pivotal sales conversations with your prospects. Borowsky sums it up well: “As a strategy for getting people to answer the phone, local presence dialing is clearly extremely effective.”

If you’re interested in learning more about how Local Presence dialing can revolutionize your outbound sales efforts, contact our sales team. We’re always happy to answer any questions you might have. 
