The latest Forrester IT Spending report should be no surprise to anyone following the massive spending shifts within the business and government sectors in the past couple of years. Despite a shift in budget away from CIOs and toward CMOs and others within enterprise companies, IT spending is still projected to grow 2.3% this year, with 5.4% forecast for 2014.
But even within these numbers, CIOs themselves are clearly headed in a new direction. Sales of computers and hardware-based solutions are slowing down (due to BYOD programs, perhaps), while CIOs shift spend toward sales of mobile apps, platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions, cloud software and solutions that make sense of big data.
Perhaps the most obvious takeaway is that new technology is driving growth. Legacy systems are languishing as companies abandon them for cloud and mobile solutions.
At, we’ve worked hard to make our mobile and desktop solutions best-of-breed. We’ve been focused on improving sales productivity with plug-and-play mobile apps for iPhone or iPad. On the marketing side, we’ve made it possible to connect call metrics from marketing campaigns to with one easy click through the use of our web app. We’ve also built a platform that enables developers to create simple CTI solutions and Chrome extensions to make VoIP calling quick and painless. In short, we are appifying telephony.
It’s extremely gratifying to see Forrester’s findings validate what customers are discovering each day.