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How Sales Reps Use Storytelling to Close Deals & Build Rapport

Revenue Blog  > How Sales Reps Use Storytelling to Close Deals & Build Rapport
8 min readJuly 9, 2023

Storytelling works in sales because humans experience life as one big story.

Scholars like Walter Fischer, a USC professor and researcher, have been have been studying how we interpret our experiences and how that affects human communication for decades.

The resulting theory, called the Narrative Paradigm, helps explain why stories more often persuade humans than they are by cold, hard facts:

  • Stories speak to our human need to understand life as a narrative.
  • Stories connect with human emotion first and sometimes bypass the logical part of our brain.
  • Stories demonstrate empathy.
  • Data is only meaningful in the context of experiences, or stories.

“Messages delivered as stories can be up to 22 times more memorable than facts alone.”
Source: Stanford University​.

A simple, professional digital illustration representing the Narrative Paradigm

Shari Levitin says it best: “Our brains love stories, but our hearts cherish them even more.”

Everyone sees life as a story. For example, a conversation between two close friends:

Logically, this is just an interaction between two mammals who produce sound waves with their mouths and interpret them with their ears via biological and psychological processes.

But that is not how we see it or experience it. Our emotions make us see this as a story:

The conversation is a moment in time in a history of friendship, an experience that adds to how we think about that person. Our emotions make us value that relationship. “I’m hanging out with my buddy” “I’m spending time with my oldest friend” are snapshots in our life story that mean something to us.

Using Stories to Persuade

Trust me, using stories to persuade works.

This became obvious when I taught two semesters as an adjunct professor. As a young instructor teaching dry material like communication theory, I was constantly battling for my students’ attention. They would zone out, browse their screens, and lose interest.

That would immediately change when I told a story to illustrate a point. The shift was dramatic. Heads lifted, eyes locked in, and the entire class was suddenly engaged.

Stories in Sales

Sales is no different.

Buyers tune out when reps rely on stats, features, and generic value propositions.

They’ve heard it all before. But when a rep tells a story—about a customer who struggled with the same problem, about how they overcame it, about the results they saw—it triggers emotion, curiosity, and engagement.

A well-told story is more than just a way to keep attention. It’s a tool to make solutions feel real. It helps buyers see themselves in the narrative, connect on a human level, and trust that your solution works.

If you want to break through the noise and impact sales conversations, ditch the pitch and tell a story instead.

Without fail.

Every single time.

Stories work – they hold attention, and they persuade. We go into greater depth about why stories matter in this previous post, but how do you find the inspiration for a good story to tell your prospects and clients?

Every great sales rep is a great storyteller.

The best storytellers know how to craft a narrative that speaks to their prospects’ needs, challenges, and goals. They know how to take inspiration from relevant sources and share that in a way that draws in their audience.

“65% of B2B buyers say that a vendor’s content—especially storytelling-driven case studies—significantly influences their purchase decision.”
Source: Demand Gen Report​.

If you are struggling with inspiration to introduce stories in to your sales conversations, consider these sources:

Your Company’s Story

Stories about your company include the story of how the business came to exist. This tale showcases the ideas or revelations that inspired the founder(s) to get started. This story is often inspiring, interesting, and relatable.

Everyone wants to support an entrepreneur and can find something to relate to in the tale of courage, braving tough market conditions or doubt to create a great company.

Another aspect of these stories showcases the stability and/or growth of the company. The inclusion of ups and downs within your company’s journey may be advantageous as well. This type of story creates authenticity, credibility, trust, and confidence.

These stories especially resonate with business owners and leaders by demonstrating an understanding of the pain and experience they may experience.

Stories about your product

Stories about your product demonstrate why certain features or components exist and how they have evolved over time. They also involve challenges or successes encountered as the product was developed. Telling stories of this type provide context to help prospects gain a better understanding of your offering.

Furthermore, they show that the company is open to change and continuous product improvement. It may be used as a step into customer stories that demonstrate how a feature is used or where a particular user/customer made requests that the company followed through on.

Stories of your customer experiences

Beyond a simple case study, customer experiences can include deeper stories about different customer scenarios and individual rep outcomes. Of course it’s important to also share official case studies since they include actual facts and figures, especially around customer results.

But, the more casual stories often act as allegories. They’re short and closely related to the situation at hand. Often an example of an outcome that a similar prospect had as a result of the same thought or action at a particular stage of the sale. This might also be an expanded version of the old ‘feel, felt, found’ answer to an objection.

Other versions of these allegories are the happy ending and the heartbreaking ending. One is about a customer who took action, bought your product or service and received positive results. The other is about a customer who chose not to take action, fell behind their competitors as a result and put their entire business at risk.

Customer stories of all types make it easier for prospects to envision what it will be like to have your product. They provide memorable stats to help them build a case to the Buying Committee. Plus, they build trust and confidence to accelerate the sales process toward a close.

Your personal sales story

People buy from people they know, like, and trust. Sharing stories about yourself helps build a stronger connection with prospects and customers. They may include those about why you do what you do, ones about your past that relate to the prospect, or challenges you have in common with them. These commonalities also help to display empathy and understanding.

Where can you find these stories?

Wondering where these stories come from? Some of them, like the company and product stories as well as official case studies are usually available from Marketing. The more casual customer stories may be collected a variety of ways, including observation and various methods of sharing. Perhaps consider doing so during sales team meetings. And you can always hop on Slack, Chatter, or similar to ask for stories where you are lacking. That way, you’ll have stories for every situation with every prospect along the sales cycle. Of course, your personal story must come from you.

Prepare your stories and practice them. Then you’ll be ready to start telling them in sales conversations with prospects, and you will notice a big difference in your sales conversations.

Storytelling in Virtual Sales Presentations

Virtual sales presentations make storytelling even more critical. Without the energy of an in-person meeting, it’s easy for buyers to get distracted by emails, Slack messages, or whatever’s happening offscreen. A well-told story pulls them back in.

Start with a real customer story instead of running through slides packed with product features. Show the pain they faced, the impact on their business, and how they solved it. Use visuals, tone, and pacing to create engagement. A great story makes your product feel less like software and more like a real-world solution with real results.

Want your buyers to stay engaged on Zoom? Make them care with a story.

Best Practices for Using Data Within Your Stories

Data alone doesn’t sell. It’s just numbers on a page. But when you connect data to a real-world impact, it becomes persuasive.

Instead of saying, “Our platform increased customer retention by 30%,” tell the story behind it. “Before using our solution, Company X was losing a third of its customers every year. Their team was frustrated, constantly replacing lost revenue instead of growing. Within six months of implementing our platform, retention jumped by 30%, giving them the stability to scale.”

See the difference?

The data supports the emotion instead of replacing it.

Facts tell. Stories sell.

How to Adapt Stories for Different Buyer Personas

Not every buyer is persuaded by the same kind of story. A CFO wants to hear about cost savings and efficiency. A CTO cares about security, integrations, and scalability. A sales leader wants to know how it helps their team hit quota.

The key is to adapt the same core story to fit different personas. If a company saved $500K using your solution, frame it differently depending on your audience:

  • For finance: “We helped them cut costs by $500K annually.”
  • For tech: “We streamlined workflows, freeing up $500K worth of dev time.”
  • For sales: “We eliminated $500K in churn, keeping their pipeline strong.”

Same outcome, different angle. Know your audience and tailor the story to what matters most to them.

Best Practices for Crafting Powerful Sales Stories

Great sales stories follow a simple structure. One of the most effective frameworks is CAR:

  • Challenge: What problem was the customer facing?
  • Action: What did they do to solve it, and how did your product or service help?
  • Result: What was the measurable impact?

For example:
“A growing SaaS company struggled to hit quota because reps spent nearly 40% of their time manually logging calls and updating CRM records. Leadership knew they needed to fix the issue but didn’t have a scalable solution. After implementing an automation tool, they reduced admin time by 40%, allowing reps to focus on selling. Within one quarter, their deal velocity increased by 25%, and they closed 15% more deals.”

A well-crafted story doesn’t just explain what your solution does—it shows why it matters, backed by real-world impact.

Adapting Stories to Different Stages of the Sales Cycle

Not all stories work the same way at every stage of the funnel.

  • Top of Funnel (Awareness & Prospecting): Keep it short and relatable. Use broad industry pain points to spark curiosity.

    • “Sales leaders at fast-growing SaaS companies often struggle with rep productivity. One company realized their reps only spent 50% of their time selling. After adopting workflow automation, they eliminated hours of manual admin work per week per rep. In six months, revenue increased by 20%. Would you be interested in learning how?”
  • Mid-Funnel (Consideration & Evaluation): Make it detailed and specific. Highlight how a company like theirs solved a similar challenge.

    • “A financial services sales team of 75 was losing thousands of hours to manual CRM updates, leading to missed follow-ups and stalled deals. They implemented workflow automation and call intelligence, which cut admin time by 45%. As a result, their sales cycle shortened by two weeks, and their win rate increased by 18%.”
  • Bottom of Funnel (Decision & Close): Focus on proof and ROI. Use metrics, testimonials, and deeper case studies to reduce risk and reinforce value.

    • “Before switching to a new outbound strategy, one cybersecurity sales team struggled with low connect rates. By using Local Presence Dialing, they increased their answer rate by 300% and saw a 3x return on investment in six months. Their sales leader called it the biggest driver of their outbound success. Let’s walk through how they did it.”

The right story at the right time builds trust, overcomes objections, and moves deals forward. Learn how to communicate your brand and value prop better with Revenue.io.