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9 Call Metrics Every Inside Sales Manager Should Track in Salesforce.com [Whitepaper]

Revenue Blog  > 9 Call Metrics Every Inside Sales Manager Should Track in Salesforce.com [Whitepaper]
3 min readNovember 19, 2020

Imagine a swimming instructor that just showed his students an instructional video then tossed them in the deep end of the pool, waiting to see who swims and who drowns? This careless and irresponsible scenario is unfortunately quite close to how most sales managers operate. Sure, there might be some basic training, there’s almost sure to be mention of quotas and incentives, but then reps are turned lose: sink or swim. Most managers simply don’t possess the right strategies and tools to provide inside sales reps with real-time feedback into their performance.

But our free eBook 9 Must-track Metrics for Inside Sales Success reveals nine metrics that inside sales managers need to be tracking in Salesforce.com in order to coach their teams to success.

Why Sales Managers Need to Track Phone Call Metrics in Salesforce

According to The TAS Group’s Global Sales Benchmark Study, more than two-thirds of sales reps don’t hit quota! Sales managers should ask themselves a simple question: how many reps have you let go for not hitting quota that, with some tactical guidance, might have been star sales reps (or at very least steady contributors to pipeline.) Guess what? CSO Insights states that only 57% of companies are hitting their revenue targets. Sink or swim no longer works. The best inside sales teams are going to be those that adopt the tools and methodologies that can enable as many reps as possible to hit revenue targets.

The first rule of sales coaching is to know what to look for. If you don’t have clear benchmarks established, you might know that reps are falling short of their quotas, but you’ll never know why. However, by tracking the right key performance indicators (KPIs), managers can coach their teams to success.

For example, here are a few metrics that you should be tracking:

Average Call Duration by Rep After Contact

What’s the perfect length of a sales call? Depending on the products or services you offer this can vary. By examining the average length of time that each rep is spending on sales calls, managers can compare under-performing reps’ average call times with those who are hitting quota. This can help gauge whether laggard reps aren’t spending enough time with each customer or spending too long on most calls. Managers can use this data to help reps refine their pitches. If they are spending too long, for example, managers can help them address pain points faster. Revenue.io can help managers keep reps on message by automatically delivering smart talking points based on the promotion, webpage or Google AdWords keyword a prospect viewed before calling.

Inbound Calls from Marketing Campaigns

This metric measures how many inbound calls result from marketing campaigns like TV ads, email blasts AdWords campaigns and direct mailings. Using Revenue.io, managers can not only see which marketing campaigns are driving the most calls, but also the best calls. Nothing clogs up a revenue funnel faster than when Sales and Marketing aren’t aligned.  If two campaigns are driving roughly the same amount of revenue but one is driving fewer calls, it proves that the campaign with fewer calls is creating more qualified leads, thus using less of your sales reps’ time.

Quality Connects by Time of Day

When is the best time to reach a key decision maker? By tracking connections with key decision makers by time of day, managers can identify key windows during which reps should kick their sales prospecting efforts into overdrive. Revenue.io makes it easy to track the outcome of calls. With the click of a button, sales reps can log a call’s outcome (also known as call disposition) in Salesforce.com. These disposition metrics can then be used to tabulate the best time of the day to qualify and connect with leads.

Six More Must-Track Metrics

Want to know six more metrics that you need to be tracking in Salesforce? Download 9 Must-Track Metrics for Inside Sales Success now and find out how to use call metrics to enable more reps to hit quota.
