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Your Complete Guide to Optimizing the Sales Process

Revenue Blog  > Your Complete Guide to Optimizing the Sales Process
14 min readMay 13, 2020

The Sales Process: What it is and why you need one

The sales process is one of the most determining factors of success within every organization. Furthermore, every sales organization has one, whether they know it or not. At its core, the sales process is the roadmap for the route that sellers bring buyers through as they move towards a purchase.

The sales process is most simply defined as the theoretical version of the path through which a lead becomes a customer. It encompasses the awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, and purchase stages that make up the overall buyer’s journey.

It is the sales process that informs what happens within each stage of the sales pipeline as a lead progresses through it. A common misconception is that the sales process and the sales pipeline are the same however, in reality, the sales pipeline is the practical application of the sales process. A sales representative will refer to the sales process for information on how to address and/or interact with a lead within a particular stage of their pipeline, which is why so much attention is given to properly defining and optimizing the sales process.

Sales Organization and Conversions

The benefits of a thorough sales process are immense. One that complements your sales organization, your sellers, your sales content, and your products and/or services results in an increased conversion rate, more won deals, and ultimately more revenue. A sales process also grants a consistent buying experience, so any lead interacting with any rep will have a similar experience. This provides a level of standardization that allows sales managers to properly measure and analyze their team’s performance to further increase sales.

To help successfully establish, manage, and fine-tune your sales process, we’ve created this complete guide. First, we cover why you need a sales process and the benefits that it provides. Then, we cover buyer journey mapping and establishing your sales process. Next, how to standardize the process and implement it with your team. Finally, learn to measure, analyze, and improve your process.

The Benefits of a Sales Process


An established sales process first provides standardization. It defines how a lead enters each stage, exists each stage, what actions are performed against them, the content they receive, as well as who interacts with them, and how. This allows for accurate reporting and consistency across reps.


The sales process also provides perspective into the buyer experience. When you directly compare a buyer’s actions and reactions to the actions within the stage of the process, you get a finer picture of what problems they are trying to solve, the solutions they seek, and most importantly, how they want to be sold to. Sales is all about providing value, and being helpful, the sales process shows you what to provide, how to help, and when.

Remove Roadblocks

No longer will leads simply drop out of your sales pipeline, never to be seen again. With a sales process, you will know exactly where they fell out and will likely be able to associate it within a certain range of actions. This will help you maximize the effectiveness of your sales process, and retain as many leads as possible.

Improve Forecasting

Forecasts and predictions are among the most important parts of a sales manager’s duties, and a sales process will help you do them even better. The consistency, standardization, and clear steps set forth by the sales process will help you make more accurate forecasts.

Improve Your Customer Experience

With a defined approach and associated steps, you can ensure that each and every one of your prospects has a positive experience. Sales reps will no longer get lost within their own individual process, and rather will be able to provide your new cohesive sales experience that has been perfected with your analysis. A positive customer experience leads to more revenue.

Faster Onboarding

A sales process establishes a prescribed approach to selling within your organization that any rep can refer to at any time. This is especially useful when onboarding new reps. Not only can they visually review and study the process, but they can easily refer back to it. New reps can see exactly what they should be doing with their prospects at any given stage in the sales process.

How to Establish Your Sales Process

One does not exactly create a sales process since technically every organization intrinsically has one. Rather, you establish one by uncovering what you have, defining it, and turning it into a structured process.

Begin with the Buyer’s Journey

To establish your sales process, you must first understand your buyer’s journey, and how they arrive at a purchase decision. The typical buyer’s journey consists of the same stages as the sales process, except they are viewed from a prospect’s perspective. At the most elemental level, this consists of the awareness, consideration, and decision stages. Take a look at your company’s content and existing sales data. Look back at Salesforce records and notes.

Look for the content that is consumed, the roadblocks that appear, questions that are asked, where prospects have dropped out, and how they have been successfully moved to the next step.

Align the Sales Process and Buyer’s Journey

Once you understand what is discussed and consumed within each of the buying stages, align the buyer’s journey and the sales process. You can easily begin by properly arranging each stage of o the buyer’s journey, the content that is consumed within it, and the sales process.

The sales process typically consists of six key stages: awareness, interest, consideration, intent, evaluation, and purchase stages. These directly align with the buyer’s journey stages.

The Awareness Stage

During the awareness stage of the buyer’s journey, they either are actively searching for a solution or are interested in topics associated with it. This is where you find new leads who have not worked with your company before. Therefore, the awareness phase of your sales process should consist of content and information that captures attention and provides information about your company.

Many teams rely heavily on marketing during the awareness stage but do augment campaigns with cold outreach and prospecting. Contact with a salesperson may be limited at this point, but if involved their role is to educate and provide value in the form of useful information.

The Interest Stage

The interest portion of the sales process is where consistent contact between you and your prospects begins. They are interested in your product or service, and the value that it can provide. This is where you showcase not only the value that your company can provide but also that your sales reps themselves can give.
Prospects are thinking more and more about the solutions that they need, and are getting curious. They also want to know why your product should be the one that they consider when it comes time to make a purchase.

The interesting road is a two-way street, however. During this period, sales reps should be qualifying prospects to ensure they will be a good fit, that they are worth their time as a salesperson, and that they will effectively be able to deliver value to them as customers.

The Consideration Stage

You will likely kick off the consideration phase with a demo. Now is when the true purchase decisions begin. Your prospects want to know exactly how your product or service works, and why they should buy it. They are curious how it will work with the products and/or services that they currently use, how much it will cost, how large of a commitment it is, and who needs to be involved in the decision. They will research competitors and ask how you compare.

The Intent Stage

This is the final stretch where the buyers make the decision to move forward. They will want to negotiate pricing and work on final deal terms. Negotiation can be difficult, but it means that they do want to work with you. This is the phase where you reiterate value and re-demonstrate how you can effectively solve the pains and problems gathered during discussions from previous stages.

The Purchase Stage

Finally! The buyers decide to sign and you have yourself a deal. It’s time to evaluate the win and gather lessons learned that you can apply to future deals.

When building your sales process, you need to align each stage to what the buyer’s needs are. Then, and only then will you and your prospects speak the same language. You never want to negotiate on pricing during the interest stage, just like your value should be fully demonstrated and understood by the time you get through with consideration.

Your sales process should outline specifically what to do in each stage, including every type of email, phone call, and activity, as well as what content to use, scripts to say, or offers to give to ensure consistency across all sales reps.

The entire point of a sales process is within its name… it is a process. It defines what should happen as you sell. It is those actions and their associated metrics that help you standardize and improve your team’s sales performance.

How to Optimize Your Sales Process.

Every sales process should include step by step instructions on how to properly perform the most essential sales activities, such as:

  • A written sales process for sales lead follow-up
  • A flowchart that shows how many sets of hands a sales lead passes through before it is placed in the hands of a salesperson who will follow-up with a phone call
  • A written sales policy manual that includes definitions and descriptions of all of your core sales processes

Sales expert Andy Paul also has a list of essential questions about the sales process that every sales leader must be able to answer. Answers will vary from company to company, but they will provide you with an understanding of what your own sales process looks like.

  • How long does it take, on average, to follow-up on a sales lead from the time it is received until a knowledgeable salesperson talks to the prospect?
  • Is the person who follows up on your sales leads A) an entry-level person (like the now ubiquitous Business Development Rep (BDR)) or B) a salesperson who really understands your products, services, and customers?
  • Do you have established responsiveness metrics for your company’s core sales processes?
  • How often are your critical sales processes and their associated responsiveness metrics analyzed, evaluated, and improved?

To properly maximize the effectiveness of your sales process, you should build in procedures that allow you to do the following:

Sell with maximum impact, in the least amount of time

See to ensure that every interaction with a prospect or customer provides the most amount of value in the least amount of time. This means integrating a high level of responsiveness, information content, and speed into every step of your selling process and eliminating the useless customer interactions that waste your prospect’s time and provide no value to them, or to you.

Follow-up with all leads immediately.

There is no easier way to grow sales than to immediately follow-up on 100% of your sales leads. The math is simple. Assume that your conversion rate of leads into sales is 2%. And let’s also assume that you only follow up 50% of your sales leads. If you keep your conversion rate at 2% but follow-up 75% of your sales leads, what happens to your sales? What if you followed up 100%? In addition, studies show that you are 100 times more likely to contact a lead if you follow-up within 5 minutes vs. 30 minutes of receiving the inquiry.

Expose the most knowledgeable people

Put your people with the deepest product knowledge and industry experience closest to the buyer. Make it fast and easy for your prospects to get the information they need to make a decision.

Be deliberate

The timeframe for every sales action is immediate. In today’s world, potential buyers have gone online and gathered more than 50% of the information they need to make a buying decision before they engage with you for the first time. When they do, their need for information is urgent. And the first seller with the answers wins.

Get on the phone

In modern times, an aversion to the sales call has developed. However, that now means it is a point of differentiation and can be used to provide superior service and an improvised sales experience. Provide the Human Touch to your customers and watch your orders grow.

Don’t be afraid to disqualify

Proactively disqualify all the prospects who are not a good fit for your services or who are not going to make a buying decision. They are wasting your selling time and that time is the most limited sales resource you have.

How to Implement Your Sales Process

Once you have aligned your content and actions within your sales process, it is time to implement it with your sales team. Create stages within your Salesforce or CRM that connect your sales process and pipeline. Have your reps track their deals using these stages so can properly understand your sales pipeline.

Next, add tasks to each stage, so know exactly what to do next. For instance, when someone enters the consideration stage, a demo should be added as a task. These tasks can include a completion date that is automatically set to be due within a few days to ensure that the activities always occur within a specified timeframe and that no one falls behind.

If you use a sales sequence or cadence tool, coordinate your email and phone outreach with the actions that you defined within your process, to ensure that the right touches are being made at the correct time.

How to Measure Your Sales Process

As great as a sales process is, it can always be better. Therefore you should constantly monitor, measure, analyze, and improve your process. There are two main areas of improvement that surround a sales process, internal and external.

Internally you should monitor and improve your team’s adherence to the process. Track if and when those activities are completed. Ensure your reps are completing the required sales activities, and that they happen on time. If not, hold a one on one with the rep and try to understand why they aren’t able to do it. Is the sales process not well aligned with their sales process? Do activities not properly map to deal stages? You can either adjust your sales process so reps can better follow it, or help individual reps who are struggling to adhere.

Ensure that your pipeline is also properly aligned with the sales process, and that deals within certain stages have the right actions performed against them.

Externally, track the effect that your new sales process has on deals. You should see not only an uptick in overall deals and/or revenue but also an increase in flow throughout the pipeline. Initial conversion rates, as well as conversion rates from stage to stage should increase. If not, you need to address what is happening within each stage to make it more effective. Try new actions, new content, and new strategies.

Sales and Marketing Alignment Strategies to Improve Your Sales Process

Sales and marketing alignment focuses both teams on a singular goal and unites them in the pursuit of success. When these two teams work in tandem with one another, the entire organization benefits.

Sales and marketing alignment provides both departments with better data, as they can access and share information between one another. This leads to a better understanding of prospects, customers, and their unique needs. Your company can then better engage with prospects and customers, as they are equipped with more knowledge and tools.

Well-aligned sales and marketing teams create a singular buyer journey that translates to a more effective sales process. Furthermore, both teams can easily see, measure, and understand the process so they can simultaneously make improvements to it.

So, to ensure that you achieve and maintain proper sales and marketing alignment, here are 10 sales process best practices:

Understand your target buyers and their buying processes

First, you must clearly understand your target customers and the manner in which they buy. If your team does not understand your buyers, or how they buy, any sort of alignment will be worthless.

Use existing customer data, analyst reports, and the knowledge held by both sales and marketing teams to properly arrange your sales process, marketing team, sales team, and target customers so they all fit together properly.

Clearly define roles, responsibilities, and shared metrics

Successful sales and marketing alignment cannot be achieved if you do not clearly define the part that each team (and possibly individual within that team) will play.

Your marketing team and your sales team must each understand which components of the sales process they are solely responsible for executing and how they interact with one another.

Clearly defined roles also enable teams to easily identify points of improvement. If a particular part of the sales funnel underperforms, you can easily understand what associated component must be improved or which reps need to be trained.

For example, marketing knows that they need to capture top-of-funnel leads. Sales must know it is their job to contact and qualify those leads, and depending on the outcome of those conversations, to either pass them back to marketing for nurture or to advance them down the funnel.

Perfect your sales and marketing messaging

Properly aligned messaging is crucial when joining your sales and marketing teams and is one of the most important sales process best practices. As a customer, it will be a jolting, off-putting experience to suddenly switch from one value proposition to another as they move from your marketing to sales team. Instead, the two departments should use the same messaging and language to provide a seamless experience.

Define the perfect marketing to sales handoff

The marketing to sales handoff has been one of the most discussed topics within sales. What does a perfect handoff look like? Who is responsible for what? When does it happen? All questions must be clearly answered and understood by everyone. For more information about the perfect marketing to sales handoff, read our post.

Marketing and sales enablement tools need to play together

Sales and marketing teams both have unique needs, so naturally, the tools they use are different. However, the technology stacks that each team employs must play nice with the other. They should all integrate fully with your CRM, or with each other, so there is zero data loss. Even better, find tools that both teams can leverage effectively.

Align your content usage

Content is king. When you align your sales and marketing teams, their content should align as well. Again, there needs to be a seamless transition in messaging and language so that your sales process is as smooth as possible for the prospect.

Since content is something that your prospect keeps with them and will reference without a salesperson present, every piece of content, regardless of who created it, must feed back into the overall story that is best practice for your sales process.

Use sales and marketing SLAs

Service level agreements are a powerful tool that both sales and marketing teams can use to hold one another accountable for particular components of their alignment. For example, SDRs may agree to respond to marketing-generated inbound leads within a certain amount of time. The key is that all SLAs must relate back to the ultimate goal of both teams: driving revenue.

Meet regularly, and often

There can be no sales and marketing alignment if both teams do not meet with one another at least once a week. It does not have to be your entire sales and marketing groups, but a few leaders from each department must get together to review processes, make adjustments, and provide feedback to one another.

Align your sales and marketing goals

Obviously, if your teams are aligned, your goals must be aligned and you must follow the same sales process best practices, or else both groups will fight each other to reach their individual numbers. Create goals based on metrics that are mutually beneficial for each team so that they will work together to achieve them.

Listen to sales calls

Marketers don’t work the phones (there’s a reason for that). However, there is incredibly valuable information that comes straight from the prospect’s mouth. Marketers should leverage a sales call recording tool in order to listen to calls that salespeople make based off of their leads.

Through this, they can understand exactly what conversations they are generating, what is being discussed on them, and how they can help improve them.

It also provides marketing an opportunity to provide feedback to sales so the groups can further align their messaging and ensure consistency.
