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Using Inside Sales To Increase Revenues in Competitive Markets w/ Lynn Hidy [Episode 181]

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In today’s episode, Lynn and I discuss how companies can use insides sales to grow revenues in competitive markets.

Lynn Hidy, the founder of UpYourTeleSales.com, is an expert at creating profitable inside sales teams. Among the topics we discuss are:

  • How to build a motivated and enthusiastic inside sales team.
  • The impact that your verbal “body language” has on buyers.
  • How to accurately track of your selling time.
  • Measuring the activities that move you forward in your prospects’ buying process.
  • How to create an effective sales script.


What’s your most powerful sales asset?


Who’s your sales role model?

Kendra Lee at KLA Group for Prospecting.

What’s one book that every salesperson should read?

Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon

What music is on your playlist right now?


What’s the one question you get asked most by salespeople?

How can I make more money and work less?