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6 Sales and Marketing Stack Technologies that Work Famously Well with Revenue

Revenue Blog  > 6 Sales and Marketing Stack Technologies that Work Famously Well with Revenue
4 min readMarch 23, 2020

Today, if you want to see better sales and marketing results, it’s often as simple as getting better tools. However, assembling a marketing and sales stack can be overwhelming. There are a lot of sales and marketing processes that can be automated and accelerated. But you can’t buy them all, and wouldn’t want to, since not all sales and marketing tools play well together.

SalesStackThe best way to approach assembling your sales and marketing technology stacks is to look for solutions that work well together. Adding a new tool to your stack can actually make the other tools in your stack more powerful. This not only inspires better adoption, but can also deliver a greater return on each of your technology investments.

The Importance of an Integrated Technology Stack

When creating Revenue.io, we were committed to an open platform, that could flawlessly integrate with a variety of best-in-breed solutions. This is important, since some of the most successful companies out there are adopting integrated sales and marketing technology stacks. The best part about having an integrated stack is that solutions complement each other. As an example, our customers routinely tell us that, in addition to what we offer, Revenue.io has made Salesforce far more useful.

In order to help you build the ultimate sales and marketing technology stack, this post will focus on seven sales and marketing technology platforms that some of our customers are using with Revenue.io to achieve amazing results.


I have to start with our most powerful integration: Salesforce. Revenue.io was built specifically to help Salesforce customers more successful. Revenue.io is 100% built for Salesforce, and offers the deepest and least painful Salesforce integration of any sales acceleration tool. To just list some of the ways that Revenue.io makes Salesforce more powerful, you can:

  • Dial leads directly from Salesforce
  • Log emails and call data automatically
  • Automatically populate Salesforce reports and dashboards with vital data
  • Manage Salesforce tasks
  • View Salesforce data in aggregate within the context of calls

If you have a sales team using Salesforce, definitely give Revenue.io a look.


Pardot is another powerful marketing automation platform. As with Marketo, Revenue.io can provide reps with contextual data from Pardot during before and during calls. Knowing which emails prospects have been sent and which content they have downloaded can really help reps tailor their messaging to be relevant to a prospect’s needs. And, as with Marketo, call data can be used to influence a prospect’s lead score.

Check out this blog post detailing how to use Pardot with Revenue.io.

SalesforceIQ Inbox

SalesforceIQ Inbox offers a host of features that save time when sending emails. When coupled with Revenue.io, sales reps can really kick their productivity into overdrive.  Some of the highlights include being able to click to call leads directly from Gmail, being able to know the moment that customers read emails and viewing emails within the context of calls.  We even made a video showing some of the best ways that Revenue.io and SalesforceIQ Inbox can work in tandem.


Datanyze is an extremely powerful lead generation platform. Since it also has a strong Salesforce integration, it can be used quite effectively with Revenue.io. You can generate highly targeted lists of leads, pull those leads into Salesforce and then use Revenue.io’s NextDial feature to power through the list at top speeds.

Google AdWords

Revenue.io offers an extremely powerful integration with Google AdWords that enables marketers to see which campaigns, Ad Groups and even keywords are driving the best calls. And since Revenue.io integrates with Salesforce, it can show marketers not only which efforts in AdWords are driving calls, but also revenue. Our AdWords integration is just as useful to sales reps, since it can reveal, when calls come in from AdWords, which ad or keyword triggered the call. The result is that reps can gain valuable insight into buyers’ intent and have more successful sales conversations.


Revenue.io also works quite well with Marketo. Because of Marketo’s integration with Salesforce, sales reps can greatly benefit from Marketo data before and during phone calls. This data can help sales reps view how prospects engaged with content and gain a better understanding of buyer intent. This can enable reps to have smarter conversations. Revenue.io also makes Marketo more powerful by enabling marketers to adjust lead scores based on call activity. For example, a sales call duration of more than five minutes with a prospect, coupled with a favorable call disposition status, could be used to increase a lead’s Marketo score.

Looking for some more ways to make Salesforce more powerful? Check out these 20 awesome Salesforce Guides for Sales and Marketing.